Normalized Probabilities Case 3, Sub-analysis 1: 2006 - 2009 Rivals 250 Lists as Population Source, Scaling Competition by Conference

Just as in the "normal" Case 3-1, this study scales schools by their conference affiliation. Given that it follows the normalized probability model, the results are somewhat different than the effective population Case 3-1. As discussed in the methods section, the maps are not very interesting, it is the tables rather that have the real interesting data hence they are shown immediately below with the maps below them.

The population source--the Rivals 250 lists--makes this particularly interesting because we know where these recruits actually chose to enroll and we can assume that every program wanted them. Therefore the numbers calculated--which represent how many of these Rivals 250 recruits a given school should have attracted given the only two criteria are geography and conference affiliation--can be compared to what actually happened.

It's important to first compare the results to those from the effective population version of this case. For the most part, the results are not significantly changed for teams in the Big 6 conferences. The normalized probability method takes into account the competition from other schools in a similar fashion (but not exactly, hence there are subtle differences). For the non-AQ schools, however, the results are quite different as their recruiting influence is scaled down. That is because the effective populations method quantifies how good of a recruiting location they could have whereas this method actually quantifies how many recruits they are liable to attract. So when their recruiting influence is scaled down to zero, this probability model suggests they will get zero recruits (with the exception of Notre Dame, this is pretty much true for Rivals 250 recruits).

Now let's look at the results. As mentioned, non-Notre Dame schools do not attract many of the top-notch recruits. For this reason it's best to isolate the Big 6 teams and see how they fare in the model when non-Big 6 teams are scaled down to zero versus how they fared in the real world. The most obvious underperformer is Georgia Tech which ranks as the easiest place to recruit in this model but somehowe finished behind 33 other teams in attracting top recruits. They did do okay, however, and in terms of net recruits where they are only the 14th biggest underperformer. It's easy to characterize the overperformers. The top 5 reads like the top 5 teams of the decade in terms of on-field performance: USC, Florida, Texas, LSU, Ohio State. These top few teams exceed their expected number of recruits by huge margins and as a result there are more underachievers than overachievers.

It's interesting to compare the over/underperformer lists (Table I) to see where the model goes wrong--or what other variables should improve it. Things that may cause you to underperform in recruiting:

On the flip side, what helps recruiting? Winning recently and having won in the past. The Top 12 overperformers fit that bill pretty well. In sum, recent winning percentage and total number of wins in team history may be two important scaling factors to add in (the bottom right of Table II actually shows a calculated error for this analysis).

Now let's look more at the actual numbers and what they say about recruiting in the country as a whole (Table IV). The top schools are basically in the heart of the SEC--Florida west to Mississippi (Ole Miss and Mississippi State are notable underachievers in recruiting). It's more interesting to see how far down the list some prominent programs are (note that this list really only goes to 65, the number of Big 6 teams). Even Texas only finishes a pedestrian 33rd when non-Big 6 schools are not considered (scale factor = 0). UT fans will at least be happy to note they are one spot ahead of Oklahoma. Nebraska, one of the two dominent teams of the 1990's, is a mere 54th out of 65. I'm a bit surprised the west didn't catch up more in this analysis as I expected it to correct for low population density states. Again the Oregon/Washington foursome bring up the bottom of the list. I hope the Oregon schools are paying their coaches well.

A note about the images. The circles indicate the number of recruits and location of the 120 schools. They're pretty straightforward except for when non-AQ schools are scaled to zero, then the images don't distinguish "good red" from "bad red". Keeping in mind that the top schools are all in the southeast should help you make sense of it, however.

Table I - Under and Overperformers

Overperformers Underperformers About As Expected
Rank College Expected Actual Difference Rank College Expected Actual Difference College Expected Actual Difference
1 USC 17.19 53.01 35.82 1 Vanderbilt 17.28 0.00 -17.28 California 10.70 14.88 4.18
2 Florida 18.15 52.08 33.93 2 Wake Forest 16.65 0.00 -16.65 Auburn 19.25 23.25 4.00
3 Texas 15.03 48.36 33.33 3 Indiana 15.40 0.00 -15.40 Tennessee 17.57 20.46 2.89
4 LSU 17.50 45.57 28.07 4 South Florida 17.97 2.79 -15.18 South Carolina 17.74 17.67 -0.07
5 Ohio State 15.37 39.99 24.62 5 Cincinnati 15.84 0.93 -14.91 Illinois 14.38 13.02 -1.36
6 Michigan 13.54 38.13 24.59 6 Baylor 16.44 1.86 -14.58 Boston College 8.36 6.51 -1.85
7 Georgia 18.86 39.99 21.13 7 Purdue 14.51 0.00 -14.51 Arizona 11.27 9.30 -1.97
8 Alabama 18.78 39.06 20.28 8 Kentucky 16.25 1.86 -14.39 Arizona State 12.23 10.23 -2.01
9 Oklahoma 14.84 32.55 17.71 9 Louisville 16.07 2.79 -13.28 Oklahoma State 14.34 11.16 -3.18
10 Miami 16.38 33.48 17.10 10 Duke 15.96 2.79 -13.17 Nebraska 11.13 7.44 -3.70
11 Florida State 18.66 35.34 16.67 11 Northwestern 13.18 0.93 -12.25 Oregon State 6.71 2.79 -3.92
12 Penn State 13.68 25.11 11.43 12 NC State 15.79 3.72 -12.07 Stanford 10.92 6.51 -4.41
13 UCLA 17.19 27.90 10.71 13 Kansas 12.94 0.93 -12.01 Virginia Tech 16.13 11.16 -4.97
14 Clemson 18.30 26.04 7.73 14 Georgia Tech 19.34 7.44 -11.90
15 Oregon 6.86 12.09 5.23 15 Missouri 13.96 2.79 -11.17
16 Syracuse 10.56 0.00 -10.56
17 West Virginia 15.12 4.65 -10.47
18 Kansas State 12.25 1.86 -10.39
19 Iowa State 11.20 0.93 -10.27
20 Connecticut 9.45 0.00 -9.45
21 Texas Tech 12.25 3.72 -8.53
22 Ole Miss 17.82 9.30 -8.52
23 Mississippi State 18.32 10.23 -8.09

Table II - Actual vs. Modeled Number of Recruits, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual
Air Force 5.41 4.61 3.56 2.11 0.00 0.00 Kansas 7.01 7.91 9.08 10.67 12.94 0.93 Purdue 8.12 9.12 10.40 12.11 14.51 0.00
Akron 8.24 6.93 5.26 3.05 0.00 0.00 Kansas State 6.61 7.46 8.57 10.08 12.25 1.86 Rice 8.75 7.44 5.72 3.38 0.00 0.00
Alabama 10.45 11.74 13.41 15.64 18.78 39.06 Kent State 8.20 6.89 5.23 3.04 0.00 0.00 Rutgers 7.02 7.86 8.92 10.33 12.27 6.51
Arizona 5.73 6.53 7.59 9.06 11.27 9.30 Kentucky 9.16 10.28 11.71 13.61 16.25 1.86 San Diego State 7.76 6.65 5.17 3.10 0.00 0.00
Arizona State 6.20 7.07 8.22 9.83 12.23 10.23 Louisiana Tech 9.56 8.09 6.20 3.64 0.00 0.00 San Jose State 5.62 4.81 3.73 2.23 0.00 0.00
Arkansas 8.39 9.47 10.87 12.77 15.50 9.30 Louisiana-Lafayette 9.24 7.82 5.99 3.52 0.00 0.00 SMU 9.22 7.83 6.02 3.56 0.00 0.00
Arkansas State 9.10 7.69 5.87 3.43 0.00 0.00 Louisiana-Monroe 9.65 8.17 6.26 3.67 0.00 0.00 South Carolina 10.13 11.34 12.88 14.91 17.74 17.67
Army 6.41 5.38 4.07 2.36 0.00 0.00 Louisville 9.03 10.13 11.55 13.43 16.07 2.79 South Florida 10.09 11.33 12.92 15.02 17.97 2.79
Auburn 10.81 12.14 13.83 16.09 19.25 23.25 LSU 9.49 10.71 12.29 14.43 17.50 45.57 Southern Miss 9.94 8.40 6.41 3.75 0.00 0.93
Ball State 8.44 7.10 5.40 3.14 0.00 0.00 Marshall 9.04 7.59 5.76 3.34 0.00 0.00 Stanford 5.52 6.29 7.32 8.76 10.92 6.51
Baylor 8.68 9.84 11.35 13.42 16.44 1.86 Maryland 8.44 9.45 10.72 12.40 14.72 9.30 Syracuse 6.01 6.73 7.65 8.87 10.56 0.00
Boise State 3.96 3.38 2.62 1.56 0.00 0.00 Memphis 9.54 8.05 6.14 3.59 0.00 0.00 TCU 8.90 7.56 5.82 3.44 0.00 1.86
Boston College 4.76 5.33 6.06 7.02 8.36 6.51 Miami 9.14 10.27 11.72 13.66 16.38 33.48 Temple 7.50 6.30 4.77 2.76 0.00 0.00
Bowling Green 8.08 6.80 5.16 3.00 0.00 0.00 Miami (OH) 8.78 7.39 5.61 3.26 0.00 0.00 Tennessee 9.95 11.15 12.69 14.73 17.57 20.46
Buffalo 6.61 5.56 4.22 2.45 0.00 0.00 Michigan 7.61 8.54 9.73 11.32 13.54 38.13 Texas 7.93 8.98 10.37 12.26 15.03 48.36
BYU 5.01 4.29 3.32 1.99 0.00 0.93 Michigan State 7.25 8.14 9.28 10.79 12.91 6.51 Texas A&M 8.72 9.88 11.40 13.48 16.50 9.30
California 5.41 6.17 7.18 8.59 10.70 14.88 Middle Tennessee 9.84 8.29 6.30 3.67 0.00 0.00 Texas Tech 6.42 7.28 8.41 9.97 12.25 3.72
Central Michigan 6.64 5.59 4.25 2.47 0.00 0.00 Minnesota 5.03 5.67 6.49 7.59 9.16 3.72 Toledo 7.95 6.69 5.08 2.95 0.00 0.00
Cincinnati 8.92 10.01 11.40 13.25 15.84 0.93 Mississippi State 10.12 11.39 13.02 15.22 18.32 10.23 Troy 10.58 8.91 6.78 3.94 0.00 0.00
Clemson 10.41 11.66 13.26 15.37 18.30 26.04 Missouri 7.65 8.62 9.87 11.56 13.96 2.79 Tulane 9.43 7.98 6.10 3.57 0.00 0.00
Colorado 5.16 5.86 6.79 8.06 9.95 10.23 Navy 8.26 6.93 5.25 3.04 0.00 0.00 Tulsa 8.00 6.78 5.20 3.06 0.00 0.93
Colorado State 5.00 4.25 3.28 1.95 0.00 0.00 NC State 9.05 10.12 11.49 13.30 15.79 3.72 UAB 10.61 8.94 6.80 3.96 0.00 0.00
Connecticut 5.39 6.03 6.86 7.94 9.45 0.00 Nebraska 6.02 6.79 7.80 9.17 11.13 7.44 UCF 10.12 8.52 6.47 3.76 0.00 0.93
Duke 9.14 10.23 11.62 13.44 15.96 2.79 Nevada 5.09 4.35 3.38 2.02 0.00 0.00 UCLA 8.62 9.85 11.48 13.76 17.19 27.90
Eastern Michigan 7.64 6.43 4.88 2.84 0.00 0.00 New Mexico 5.63 4.80 3.71 2.21 0.00 0.00 UNLV 6.56 5.62 4.36 2.61 0.00 0.00
ECU 8.46 7.10 5.37 3.11 0.00 0.00 New Mexico State 5.56 4.74 3.67 2.18 0.00 0.00 USC 8.62 9.85 11.48 13.76 17.19 53.01
FIU 9.21 7.76 5.91 3.44 0.00 0.93 North Carolina 9.20 10.29 11.68 13.52 16.06 16.74 Utah 4.90 4.19 3.25 1.95 0.00 0.93
Florida 10.24 11.48 13.08 15.19 18.15 52.08 North Texas 8.91 7.57 5.82 3.44 0.00 0.00 Utah State 4.56 3.90 3.02 1.80 0.00 0.00
Florida Atlantic 9.42 7.94 6.04 3.52 0.00 0.00 Northern Illinois 7.18 6.05 4.61 2.69 0.00 0.00 UTEP 5.52 4.71 3.64 2.16 0.00 0.00
Florida State 10.50 11.78 13.43 15.61 18.66 35.34 Northwestern 7.36 8.26 9.43 10.99 13.18 0.93 Vanderbilt 9.67 10.85 12.38 14.42 17.28 0.00
Fresno State 6.47 5.54 4.30 2.58 0.00 0.00 Notre Dame 7.69 6.47 4.92 2.87 0.00 39.99 Virginia 8.80 9.85 11.18 12.94 15.37 7.44
Georgia 10.71 12.00 13.64 15.82 18.86 39.99 Ohio 8.81 7.40 5.62 3.26 0.00 0.00 Virginia Tech 9.21 10.31 11.71 13.56 16.13 11.16
Georgia Tech 10.94 12.27 13.96 16.21 19.34 7.44 Ohio State 8.68 9.73 11.08 12.87 15.37 39.99 Wake Forest 9.52 10.65 12.10 14.01 16.65 0.00
Hawaii 1.84 1.58 1.23 0.75 0.00 0.00 Oklahoma 7.90 8.94 10.30 12.15 14.84 32.55 Washington 3.26 3.70 4.27 5.04 6.18 6.51
Houston 8.75 7.44 5.72 3.38 0.00 0.00 Oklahoma State 7.67 8.67 9.98 11.76 14.34 11.16 Washington State 3.25 3.69 4.27 5.07 6.26 0.00
Idaho 3.24 2.76 2.13 1.27 0.00 0.00 Ole Miss 9.82 11.06 12.65 14.79 17.82 9.30 West Virginia 8.61 9.64 10.96 12.70 15.12 4.65
Illinois 8.01 9.00 10.28 11.98 14.38 13.02 Oregon 3.55 4.03 4.67 5.55 6.86 12.09 Western Kentucky 9.37 7.89 6.00 3.49 0.00 0.00
Indiana 8.62 9.68 11.04 12.86 15.40 0.00 Oregon State 3.49 3.96 4.58 5.44 6.71 2.79 Western Michigan 7.43 6.25 4.75 2.77 0.00 0.93
Iowa 6.68 7.52 8.60 10.06 12.12 6.51 Penn State 7.81 8.74 9.93 11.50 13.68 25.11 Wisconsin 6.45 7.25 8.28 9.66 11.61 6.51
Iowa State 6.13 6.91 7.91 9.27 11.20 0.93 Pittsburgh 8.40 9.41 10.70 12.41 14.78 14.88 Wyoming 4.70 4.01 3.09 1.84 0.00 0.00
Total Deviation from Actual 1077.32 1012.17 937.76 844.26 742.97

Table III - Recruiting Ranking, Actual vs. Modeled, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual College 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 Actual
Air Force 102 107 111 111 66 68 Kansas 82 55 45 45 44 61 Purdue 62 35 35 37 37 68
Akron 60 77 86 92 66 68 Kansas State 86 66 48 47 47 54 Rice 46 68 81 84 66 68
Alabama 7 5 5 4 4 8 Kent State 61 79 88 93 66 68 Rutgers 81 57 46 46 46 40
Arizona 96 86 55 54 52 29 Kentucky 32 18 18 19 21 55 San Diego State 70 85 90 90 66 68
Arizona State 92 75 51 50 49 26 Louisiana Tech 20 51 67 72 66 68 San Jose State 98 103 107 107 66 68
Arkansas 58 32 32 31 28 30 Louisiana-Lafayette 27 59 74 76 66 68 SMU 28 58 72 75 66 68
Arkansas State 35 61 76 82 66 68 Louisiana-Monroe 19 49 66 70 66 68 South Carolina 10 9 10 10 11 18
Army 91 101 106 106 66 68 Louisville 38 21 21 24 23 49 South Florida 13 10 9 9 9 52
Auburn 2 2 2 2 2 16 LSU 23 14 14 13 13 4 Southern Miss 15 46 64 69 66 63
Ball State 56 73 84 88 66 68 Marshall 37 62 79 85 66 68 Stanford 101 90 56 56 55 41
Baylor 48 28 27 25 19 53 Maryland 55 33 33 34 36 31 Syracuse 95 83 54 55 57 68
Boise State 114 118 118 118 66 68 Memphis 21 52 68 73 66 68 TCU 41 64 78 81 66 56
Boston College 111 102 70 61 61 37 Miami 34 19 16 18 20 11 Temple 76 89 95 100 66 68
Bowling Green 63 80 91 95 66 68 Miami (OH) 44 70 83 86 66 68 Tennessee 14 11 11 12 12 17
Buffalo 85 99 105 105 66 68 Michigan 75 44 42 42 42 9 Texas 67 37 36 35 33 3
BYU 108 109 113 113 66 57 Michigan State 79 50 44 44 45 39 Texas A&M 47 24 26 22 18 33
California 103 92 57 57 56 20 Middle Tennessee 16 47 65 71 66 68 Texas Tech 90 71 49 49 48 47
Central Michigan 84 98 104 104 66 68 Minnesota 107 96 62 60 60 45 Toledo 66 84 92 96 66 68
Cincinnati 39 23 25 27 26 58 Mississippi State 12 8 8 7 6 28 Troy 5 40 61 67 66 68
Clemson 8 6 6 6 7 14 Missouri 73 43 41 40 40 50 Tulane 24 53 69 74 66 68
Colorado 105 95 60 58 58 27 Navy 59 76 87 94 66 68 Tulsa 65 82 89 91 66 64
Colorado State 109 110 114 114 66 68 NC State 36 22 22 26 27 46 UAB 4 39 59 66 66 68
Connecticut 104 94 58 59 59 68 Nebraska 94 81 53 53 54 35 UCF 11 45 63 68 66 65
Duke 33 20 20 23 25 48 Nevada 106 108 112 112 66 68 UCLA 51 26 23 16 15 13
Eastern Michigan 74 88 94 98 66 68 New Mexico 97 104 108 108 66 68 UNLV 87 97 100 102 66 68
ECU 54 74 85 89 66 68 New Mexico State 99 105 109 109 66 68 USC 52 27 24 17 16 1
FIU 29 60 75 79 66 59 North Carolina 31 17 19 21 24 19 Utah 110 111 115 115 66 66
Florida 9 7 7 8 8 2 North Texas 40 63 77 80 66 68 Utah State 113 115 117 117 66 68
Florida Atlantic 25 54 71 77 66 68 Northern Illinois 80 93 98 101 66 68 UTEP 100 106 110 110 66 68
Florida State 6 4 4 5 5 10 Northwestern 78 48 43 43 43 62 Vanderbilt 18 13 13 14 14 68
Fresno State 88 100 101 103 66 68 Notre Dame 71 87 93 97 66 6 Virginia 43 25 28 28 30 36
Georgia 3 3 3 3 3 5 Ohio 42 69 82 87 66 68 Virginia Tech 30 16 17 20 22 25
Georgia Tech 1 1 1 1 1 34 Ohio State 49 29 29 29 31 7 Wake Forest 22 15 15 15 17 68
Hawaii 120 120 120 120 66 68 Oklahoma 68 38 37 36 34 12 Washington 117 116 103 65 65 42
Houston 45 67 80 83 66 68 Oklahoma State 72 42 39 39 39 24 Washington State 118 117 102 64 64 68
Idaho 119 119 119 119 66 68 Ole Miss 17 12 12 11 10 32 West Virginia 53 31 31 32 32 44
Illinois 64 36 38 38 38 22 Oregon 115 112 97 62 62 23 Western Kentucky 26 56 73 78 66 68
Indiana 50 30 30 30 29 68 Oregon State 116 114 99 63 63 51 Western Michigan 77 91 96 99 66 67
Iowa 83 65 47 48 50 38 Penn State 69 41 40 41 41 15 Wisconsin 89 72 50 51 51 43
Iowa State 93 78 52 52 53 60 Pittsburgh 57 34 34 33 35 21 Wyoming 112 113 116 116 66 68

Table IV - Rankings for Each Scale Factor

Scale Factor = 1.0 Scale Factor = 0.75 Scale Factor = 0.50 Scale Factor = 0.250 Scale Factor = 0.0
Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Ran k College Recruits
1 Georgia Tech 10.94 1 Georgia Tech 12.27 1 Georgia Tech 13.96 1 Georgia Tech 16.21 1 Georgia Tech 19.34
2 Auburn 10.81 2 Auburn 12.14 2 Auburn 13.83 2 Auburn 16.09 2 Auburn 19.25
3 Georgia 10.71 3 Georgia 12.00 3 Georgia 13.64 3 Georgia 15.82 3 Georgia 18.86
4 UAB 10.61 4 Florida State 11.78 4 Florida State 13.43 4 Alabama 15.64 4 Alabama 18.78
5 Troy 10.58 5 Alabama 11.74 5 Alabama 13.41 5 Florida State 15.61 5 Florida State 18.66
6 Florida State 10.50 6 Clemson 11.66 6 Clemson 13.26 6 Clemson 15.37 6 Mississippi State 18.32
7 Alabama 10.45 7 Florida 11.48 7 Florida 13.08 7 Mississippi State 15.22 7 Clemson 18.30
8 Clemson 10.41 8 Mississippi State 11.39 8 Mississippi State 13.02 8 Florida 15.19 8 Florida 18.15
9 Florida 10.24 9 South Carolina 11.34 9 South Florida 12.92 9 South Florida 15.02 9 South Florida 17.97
10 South Carolina 10.13 10 South Florida 11.33 10 South Carolina 12.88 10 South Carolina 14.91 10 Ole Miss 17.82
11 UCF 10.12 11 Tennessee 11.15 11 Tennessee 12.69 11 Ole Miss 14.79 11 South Carolina 17.74
12 Mississippi State 10.12 12 Ole Miss 11.06 12 Ole Miss 12.65 12 Tennessee 14.73 12 Tennessee 17.57
13 South Florida 10.09 13 Vanderbilt 10.85 13 Vanderbilt 12.38 13 LSU 14.43 13 LSU 17.50
14 Tennessee 9.95 14 LSU 10.71 14 LSU 12.29 14 Vanderbilt 14.42 14 Vanderbilt 17.28
15 Southern Miss 9.94 15 Wake Forest 10.65 15 Wake Forest 12.10 15 Wake Forest 14.01 15 UCLA 17.19
16 Middle Tennessee 9.84 16 Virginia Tech 10.31 16 Miami 11.72 16 UCLA 13.76 16 USC 17.19
17 Ole Miss 9.82 17 North Carolina 10.29 17 Virginia Tech 11.71 17 USC 13.76 17 Wake Forest 16.65
18 Vanderbilt 9.67 18 Kentucky 10.28 18 Kentucky 11.71 18 Miami 13.66 18 Texas A&M 16.50
19 Louisiana-Monroe 9.65 19 Miami 10.27 19 North Carolina 11.68 19 Kentucky 13.61 19 Baylor 16.44
20 Louisiana Tech 9.56 20 Duke 10.23 20 Duke 11.62 20 Virginia Tech 13.56 20 Miami 16.38
21 Memphis 9.54 21 Louisville 10.13 21 Louisville 11.55 21 North Carolina 13.52 21 Kentucky 16.25
22 Wake Forest 9.52 22 NC State 10.12 22 NC State 11.49 22 Texas A&M 13.48 22 Virginia Tech 16.13
23 LSU 9.49 23 Cincinnati 10.01 23 UCLA 11.48 23 Duke 13.44 23 Louisville 16.07
24 Tulane 9.43 24 Texas A&M 9.88 24 USC 11.48 24 Louisville 13.43 24 North Carolina 16.06
25 Florida Atlantic 9.42 25 Virginia 9.85 25 Cincinnati 11.40 25 Baylor 13.42 25 Duke 15.96
26 Western Kentucky 9.37 26 UCLA 9.85 26 Texas A&M 11.40 26 NC State 13.30 26 Cincinnati 15.84
27 Louisiana-Lafayette 9.24 27 USC 9.85 27 Baylor 11.35 27 Cincinnati 13.25 27 NC State 15.79
28 SMU 9.22 28 Baylor 9.84 28 Virginia 11.18 28 Virginia 12.94 28 Arkansas 15.50
29 FIU 9.21 29 Ohio State 9.73 29 Ohio State 11.08 29 Ohio State 12.87 29 Indiana 15.40
30 Virginia Tech 9.21 30 Indiana 9.68 30 Indiana 11.04 30 Indiana 12.86 30 Virginia 15.37
31 North Carolina 9.20 31 West Virginia 9.64 31 West Virginia 10.96 31 Arkansas 12.77 31 Ohio State 15.37
32 Kentucky 9.16 32 Arkansas 9.47 32 Arkansas 10.87 32 West Virginia 12.70 32 West Virginia 15.12
33 Duke 9.14 33 Maryland 9.45 33 Maryland 10.72 33 Pittsburgh 12.41 33 Texas 15.03
34 Miami 9.14 34 Pittsburgh 9.41 34 Pittsburgh 10.70 34 Maryland 12.40 34 Oklahoma 14.84
35 Arkansas State 9.10 35 Purdue 9.12 35 Purdue 10.40 35 Texas 12.26 35 Pittsburgh 14.78
36 NC State 9.05 36 Illinois 9.00 36 Texas 10.37 36 Oklahoma 12.15 36 Maryland 14.72
37 Marshall 9.04 37 Texas 8.98 37 Oklahoma 10.30 37 Purdue 12.11 37 Purdue 14.51
38 Louisville 9.03 38 Oklahoma 8.94 38 Illinois 10.28 38 Illinois 11.98 38 Illinois 14.38
39 Cincinnati 8.92 39 UAB 8.94 39 Oklahoma State 9.98 39 Oklahoma State 11.76 39 Oklahoma State 14.34
40 North Texas 8.91 40 Troy 8.91 40 Penn State 9.93 40 Missouri 11.56 40 Missouri 13.96
41 TCU 8.90 41 Penn State 8.74 41 Missouri 9.87 41 Penn State 11.50 41 Penn State 13.68
42 Ohio 8.81 42 Oklahoma State 8.67 42 Michigan 9.73 42 Michigan 11.32 42 Michigan 13.54
43 Virginia 8.80 43 Missouri 8.62 43 Northwestern 9.43 43 Northwestern 10.99 43 Northwestern 13.18
44 Miami (OH) 8.78 44 Michigan 8.54 44 Michigan State 9.28 44 Michigan State 10.79 44 Kansas 12.94
45 Houston 8.75 45 UCF 8.52 45 Kansas 9.08 45 Kansas 10.67 45 Michigan State 12.91
46 Rice 8.75 46 Southern Miss 8.40 46 Rutgers 8.92 46 Rutgers 10.33 46 Rutgers 12.27
47 Texas A&M 8.72 47 Middle Tennessee 8.29 47 Iowa 8.60 47 Kansas State 10.08 47 Kansas State 12.25
48 Baylor 8.68 48 Northwestern 8.26 48 Kansas State 8.57 48 Iowa 10.06 48 Texas Tech 12.25
49 Ohio State 8.68 49 Louisiana-Monroe 8.17 49 Texas Tech 8.41 49 Texas Tech 9.97 49 Arizona State 12.23
50 Indiana 8.62 50 Michigan State 8.14 50 Wisconsin 8.28 50 Arizona State 9.83 50 Iowa 12.12
51 UCLA 8.62 51 Louisiana Tech 8.09 51 Arizona State 8.22 51 Wisconsin 9.66 51 Wisconsin 11.61
52 USC 8.62 52 Memphis 8.05 52 Iowa State 7.91 52 Iowa State 9.27 52 Arizona 11.27
53 West Virginia 8.61 53 Tulane 7.98 53 Nebraska 7.80 53 Nebraska 9.17 53 Iowa State 11.20
54 ECU 8.46 54 Florida Atlantic 7.94 54 Syracuse 7.65 54 Arizona 9.06 54 Nebraska 11.13
55 Maryland 8.44 55 Kansas 7.91 55 Arizona 7.59 55 Syracuse 8.87 55 Stanford 10.92
56 Ball State 8.44 56 Western Kentucky 7.89 56 Stanford 7.32 56 Stanford 8.76 56 California 10.70
57 Pittsburgh 8.40 57 Rutgers 7.86 57 California 7.18 57 California 8.59 57 Syracuse 10.56
58 Arkansas 8.39 58 SMU 7.83 58 Connecticut 6.86 58 Colorado 8.06 58 Colorado 9.95
59 Navy 8.26 59 Louisiana-Lafayette 7.82 59 UAB 6.80 59 Connecticut 7.94 59 Connecticut 9.45
60 Akron 8.24 60 FIU 7.76 60 Colorado 6.79 60 Minnesota 7.59 60 Minnesota 9.16
61 Kent State 8.20 61 Arkansas State 7.69 61 Troy 6.78 61 Boston College 7.02 61 Boston College 8.36
62 Purdue 8.12 62 Marshall 7.59 62 Minnesota 6.49 62 Oregon 5.55 62 Oregon 6.86
63 Bowling Green 8.08 63 North Texas 7.57 63 UCF 6.47 63 Oregon State 5.44 63 Oregon State 6.71
64 Illinois 8.01 64 TCU 7.56 64 Southern Miss 6.41 64 Washington State 5.07 64 Washington State 6.26
65 Tulsa 8.00 65 Iowa 7.52 65 Middle Tennessee 6.30 65 Washington 5.04 65 Washington 6.18
66 Toledo 7.95 66 Kansas State 7.46 66 Louisiana-Monroe 6.26 66 UAB 3.96 66 Troy 0.00
67 Texas 7.93 67 Houston 7.44 67 Louisiana Tech 6.20 67 Troy 3.94 67 UAB 0.00
68 Oklahoma 7.90 68 Rice 7.44 68 Memphis 6.14 68 UCF 3.76 68 Arkansas State 0.00
69 Penn State 7.81 69 Ohio 7.40 69 Tulane 6.10 69 Southern Miss 3.75 69 Fresno State 0.00
70 San Diego State 7.76 70 Miami (OH) 7.39 70 Boston College 6.06 70 Louisiana-Monroe 3.67 70 San Diego State 0.00
71 Notre Dame 7.69 71 Texas Tech 7.28 71 Florida Atlantic 6.04 71 Middle Tennessee 3.67 71 San Jose State 0.00
72 Oklahoma State 7.67 72 Wisconsin 7.25 72 SMU 6.02 72 Louisiana Tech 3.64 72 Air Force 0.00
73 Missouri 7.65 73 Ball State 7.10 73 Western Kentucky 6.00 73 Memphis 3.59 73 Colorado State 0.00
74 Eastern Michigan 7.64 74 ECU 7.10 74 Louisiana-Lafayette 5.99 74 Tulane 3.57 74 FIU 0.00
75 Michigan 7.61 75 Arizona State 7.07 75 FIU 5.91 75 SMU 3.56 75 Florida Atlantic 0.00
76 Temple 7.50 76 Navy 6.93 76 Arkansas State 5.87 76 Louisiana-Lafayette 3.52 76 UCF 0.00
77 Western Michigan 7.43 77 Akron 6.93 77 North Texas 5.82 77 Florida Atlantic 3.52 77 Hawaii 0.00
78 Northwestern 7.36 78 Iowa State 6.91 78 TCU 5.82 78 Western Kentucky 3.49 78 Boise State 0.00
79 Michigan State 7.25 79 Kent State 6.89 79 Marshall 5.76 79 FIU 3.44 79 Idaho 0.00
80 Northern Illinois 7.18 80 Bowling Green 6.80 80 Houston 5.72 80 North Texas 3.44 80 Northern Illinois 0.00
81 Rutgers 7.02 81 Nebraska 6.79 81 Rice 5.72 81 TCU 3.44 81 Ball State 0.00
82 Kansas 7.01 82 Tulsa 6.78 82 Ohio 5.62 82 Arkansas State 3.43 82 Notre Dame 0.00
83 Iowa 6.68 83 Syracuse 6.73 83 Miami (OH) 5.61 83 Houston 3.38 83 Western Kentucky 0.00
84 Central Michigan 6.64 84 Toledo 6.69 84 Ball State 5.40 84 Rice 3.38 84 Louisiana Tech 0.00
85 Buffalo 6.61 85 San Diego State 6.65 85 ECU 5.37 85 Marshall 3.34 85 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00
86 Kansas State 6.61 86 Arizona 6.53 86 Akron 5.26 86 Miami (OH) 3.26 86 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00
87 UNLV 6.56 87 Notre Dame 6.47 87 Navy 5.25 87 Ohio 3.26 87 Tulane 0.00
88 Fresno State 6.47 88 Eastern Michigan 6.43 88 Kent State 5.23 88 Ball State 3.14 88 Navy 0.00
89 Wisconsin 6.45 89 Temple 6.30 89 Tulsa 5.20 89 ECU 3.11 89 Central Michigan 0.00
90 Texas Tech 6.42 90 Stanford 6.29 90 San Diego State 5.17 90 San Diego State 3.10 90 Eastern Michigan 0.00
91 Army 6.41 91 Western Michigan 6.25 91 Bowling Green 5.16 91 Tulsa 3.06 91 Western Michigan 0.00
92 Arizona State 6.20 92 California 6.17 92 Toledo 5.08 92 Akron 3.05 92 Southern Miss 0.00
93 Iowa State 6.13 93 Northern Illinois 6.05 93 Notre Dame 4.92 93 Kent State 3.04 93 Nevada 0.00
94 Nebraska 6.02 94 Connecticut 6.03 94 Eastern Michigan 4.88 94 Navy 3.04 94 UNLV 0.00
95 Syracuse 6.01 95 Colorado 5.86 95 Temple 4.77 95 Bowling Green 3.00 95 New Mexico 0.00
96 Arizona 5.73 96 Minnesota 5.67 96 Western Michigan 4.75 96 Toledo 2.95 96 New Mexico State 0.00
97 New Mexico 5.63 97 UNLV 5.62 97 Oregon 4.67 97 Notre Dame 2.87 97 Army 0.00
98 San Jose State 5.62 98 Central Michigan 5.59 98 Northern Illinois 4.61 98 Eastern Michigan 2.84 98 Buffalo 0.00
99 New Mexico State 5.56 99 Buffalo 5.56 99 Oregon State 4.58 99 Western Michigan 2.77 99 ECU 0.00
100 UTEP 5.52 100 Fresno State 5.54 100 UNLV 4.36 100 Temple 2.76 100 Akron 0.00
101 Stanford 5.52 101 Army 5.38 101 Fresno State 4.30 101 Northern Illinois 2.69 101 Bowling Green 0.00
102 Air Force 5.41 102 Boston College 5.33 102 Washington State 4.27 102 UNLV 2.61 102 Kent State 0.00
103 California 5.41 103 San Jose State 4.81 103 Washington 4.27 103 Fresno State 2.58 103 Miami (OH) 0.00
104 Connecticut 5.39 104 New Mexico 4.80 104 Central Michigan 4.25 104 Central Michigan 2.47 104 Ohio 0.00
105 Colorado 5.16 105 New Mexico State 4.74 105 Buffalo 4.22 105 Buffalo 2.45 105 Toledo 0.00
106 Nevada 5.09 106 UTEP 4.71 106 Army 4.07 106 Army 2.36 106 Tulsa 0.00
107 Minnesota 5.03 107 Air Force 4.61 107 San Jose State 3.73 107 San Jose State 2.23 107 Temple 0.00
108 BYU 5.01 108 Nevada 4.35 108 New Mexico 3.71 108 New Mexico 2.21 108 Memphis 0.00
109 Colorado State 5.00 109 BYU 4.29 109 New Mexico State 3.67 109 New Mexico State 2.18 109 Middle Tennessee 0.00
110 Utah 4.90 110 Colorado State 4.25 110 UTEP 3.64 110 UTEP 2.16 110 Houston 0.00
111 Boston College 4.76 111 Utah 4.19 111 Air Force 3.56 111 Air Force 2.11 111 North Texas 0.00
112 Wyoming 4.70 112 Oregon 4.03 112 Nevada 3.38 112 Nevada 2.02 112 Rice 0.00
113 Utah State 4.56 113 Wyoming 4.01 113 BYU 3.32 113 BYU 1.99 113 SMU 0.00
114 Boise State 3.96 114 Oregon State 3.96 114 Colorado State 3.28 114 Colorado State 1.95 114 TCU 0.00
115 Oregon 3.55 115 Utah State 3.90 115 Utah 3.25 115 Utah 1.95 115 UTEP 0.00
116 Oregon State 3.49 116 Washington 3.70 116 Wyoming 3.09 116 Wyoming 1.84 116 BYU 0.00
117 Washington 3.26 117 Washington State 3.69 117 Utah State 3.02 117 Utah State 1.80 117 Utah 0.00
118 Washington State 3.25 118 Boise State 3.38 118 Boise State 2.62 118 Boise State 1.56 118 Utah State 0.00
119 Idaho 3.24 119 Idaho 2.76 119 Idaho 2.13 119 Idaho 1.27 119 Marshall 0.00
120 Hawaii 1.84 120 Hawaii 1.58 120 Hawaii 1.23 120 Hawaii 0.75 120 Wyoming 0.00

Figure 1 - Scale factor = 1.0.

Figure 2 - Scale factor = 0.75.

Figure 3 - Scale factor = 0.667.

Figure 4 - Scale factor = 0.50.

Figure 5 - Scale factor = 0.333.

Figure 6 - Scale factor = 0.25.

Figure 7 - Scale factor = 0.0.

Figure 8 - Composite of, from left to right, Scale factor = 1.0, 0.667 (top row), 0.333, 0.0 (bottom row).

Added 12/10/2009  

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Tom Brennan, © 2009