Normalized Probabilities Case 3, Sub-analysis 3: 2006 - 2009 Rivals 250 Lists as Population Source, Scaling Competition by Winning Percentage & Conference Scale Factor = 0

At this point I've actually jumped ahead of my progress on the normalized population models, but I was eager to combine Cases 3-1 and 3-2 with the Rivals 250 recruits and see if the error would drop down any further (and this wouldn't be nearly as interesting for map-making as it is for crunching the numbers). As stated in Case 3-2, you really can't get very far without setting the contributions of the non-Big 6 teams to zero. Furthermore, in this case (and I imagine whenever the conference criteria is used in the future) I've set Notre Dame to fall into the Big 6 category based on their real world results.

Now let's look at the results. The over/under-performers lists focuses on have zero for the winning percentage dilution factor (this yields the most accurate results) in tandem with scaling the non-Big 6 teams to zero. When comparing this to the over/under-performance list from Case 3-1 there is not much change in the overperformers. The shifts in the rankings are due to teams outside the south (e.g. Michigan and Ohio State) who have done very well the last dozen years to now be less "overperforming" while a team like Alabama who hasn't done all that well over the past dozen years (the most recent two seasons are actually a bit anomalous) moves up the rankings because under Nick Saban they've really dominated recruiting.

The underperformer list looks much different, however, and is actually quite interesting. It basically identifies teams that have done well in good recruiting climates but have not yielded returns recruiting. Depending on how you look at it, you could say these teams have overperformed given the talent they've succeeded in attracting or that they've been unsuccessful in parlaying on-the-filed success to recruiting. A look at this list shows how important it will be to factor in a program's prestige (which I plan to later add). The overperformer list is filled with the "old guard" of college football while the underperformer list is filled with upstarts who lack the history of some other programs (often their in-state rivals).

How much am I reducing the error? I was somewhat surprised that this combo didn't help more, but it did reduce the total error (i.e. the sum of the absolute value of the deviations from predicted vs. reality for each school), as seen at the bottom of Table II to 627 from ~720 when winning percentage is not taken into account and only conference ties are.

What will get these numbers closer? As mentioned above, factoring in a program's heritage will surely help given the names at the top of the list. Using the 10-year winning percentage only is a bit simplistic. A blend of 1, 5, and 10 year winning percentages might work better (this would account for the programs at the very top like USC, Florida, Texas who have been particualrly dominant in recent years). It might help to let winning percentage work non-linearly as well--even with a dilution factor of 0, the scaling is only linear. In other words, teams that go undefeated are only about 25% better than teams that go 9-3, but the difference in terms of attracting attention and garnering prestige between a 9-3 and 12-0 record scales more than just 25%. One way to account for this would be to, for instance, square the winning percentage--the gulf goes from 1 - 0.75 = 0.25 to 1^2 - 0.75^2 = 0.4375--a much wider gap between the truly elite teams and teams who are only "pretty good". Such a higher order scaling would probably only have a large impact when only a few seasons are considered because even over only ten seasons very few teams can put together ten dominant seasons (incidentally Boise State has the highest iwnning percentage of any program over the past ten seasons).

The other point to consider is that reducing the error to zero shouldn't really be a goal--the whole point is to find the programs that possess certain intangibles that lead them to recruit better than other teams. In other words to minimize the error using as few factors as possible and then see who under- and overperforms.

There isn't really much change from before in terms of how many recruits the schools are expected attract. Basically, it's tough being in the north.

A note about the tables. I only included teams in the Big 6 conferences (plus Notre Dame) as all the other teams have expected recruit values of zero for any winning percentage scaling due to the AQ scaling being set to zero.

A note about the images. The circles indicate the number of recruits and location of the 120 schools. They're pretty straightforward except for when non-AQ schools are scaled to zero, then the images don't distinguish "good red" from "bad red". Keeping in mind that the top schools are all in the southeast should help you make sense of it, however.

Table I - Under and Overperformers

Overperformers Underperformers About As Expected
Rank College Expected Actual Difference Rank College Expected Actual Difference College Expected Actual Difference
1 USC 21.82 53.01 31.19 1 South Florida 19.38 2.79 -16.59 North Carolina 12.43 16.74 4.31
2 Florida 23.23 52.08 28.85 2 Louisville 19.10 2.79 -16.31 Oregon 8.26 12.09 3.83
3 Texas 20.68 48.36 27.68 3 Purdue 15.00 0.00 -15.00 Illinois 9.38 13.02 3.64
4 Notre Dame 14.37 39.99 25.62 4 Georgia Tech 21.17 7.44 -13.73 South Carolina 14.17 17.67 3.50
5 LSU 21.03 45.57 24.54 5 Wake Forest 13.22 0.00 -13.22 Pittsburgh 13.51 14.88 1.37
6 Alabama 18.47 39.06 20.59 6 Kansas State 14.41 1.86 -12.55 Auburn 22.17 23.25 1.08
7 Michigan 17.90 38.13 20.23 7 Cincinnati 13.46 0.93 -12.53 Washington 5.47 6.51 1.04
8 Ohio State 20.92 39.99 19.07 8 West Virginia 16.80 4.65 -12.15 Colorado 9.28 10.23 0.95
9 Georgia 24.87 39.99 15.12 9 NC State 15.29 3.72 -11.57 Arizona 8.67 9.30 0.63
10 Oklahoma 19.40 32.55 13.15 10 Virginia Tech 21.76 11.16 -10.60 Rutgers 7.52 6.51 -1.01
11 Miami 21.49 33.48 11.99 11 Texas Tech 13.31 3.72 -9.59 Oklahoma State 12.45 11.16 -1.29
12 Florida State 24.30 35.34 11.04 12 Missouri 12.37 2.79 -9.58 Stanford 8.04 6.51 -1.53
13 Penn State 14.68 25.11 10.43 13 Kentucky 11.16 1.86 -9.30 Duke 4.32 2.79 -1.53
14 UCLA 17.82 27.90 10.08 14 Syracuse 9.01 0.00 -9.01 Arizona State 11.95 10.23 -1.72
15 Clemson 18.61 26.04 7.43 15 Northwestern 9.88 0.93 -8.95 Tennessee 22.67 20.46 -2.21
16 California 9.23 14.88 5.65 16 Indiana 8.79 0.00 -8.79 Boston College 9.44 6.51 -2.93
17 Kansas 9.59 0.93 -8.66 Mississippi State 13.69 10.23 -3.46
18 Virginia 15.91 7.44 -8.47 Oregon State 6.81 2.79 -4.02
19 Vanderbilt 8.23 0.00 -8.23 Minnesota 8.30 3.72 -4.58
20 Connecticut 7.91 0.00 -7.91 Iowa 11.35 6.51 -4.84
21 Wisconsin 14.26 6.51 -7.75 Maryland 14.21 9.30 -4.91
22 Iowa State 8.51 0.93 -7.58
23 Texas A&M 16.87 9.30 -7.57
24 Ole Miss 16.38 9.30 -7.08
25 Nebraska 13.89 7.44 -6.45
26 Arkansas 15.70 9.30 -6.40
27 Washington State 5.76 0.00 -5.76
28 Baylor 7.28 1.86 -5.42
29 Michigan State 11.67 6.51 -5.16

Table II - Actual vs. Modeled Number of Recruits, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 0 1 2 4 8 Actual College 0 1 2 4 8 Actual
Alabama 18.47 18.50 18.50 18.51 18.51 39.06 NC State 15.29 15.45 15.49 15.52 15.53 3.72
Arizona 8.67 10.27 10.62 10.86 11.00 9.30 Nebraska 13.89 12.01 11.60 11.32 11.16 7.44
Arizona State 11.95 12.06 12.09 12.11 12.12 10.23 North Carolina 12.43 14.59 15.07 15.39 15.59 16.74
Arkansas 15.70 15.43 15.37 15.33 15.31 9.30 Northwestern 9.88 11.83 12.26 12.55 12.72 0.93
Auburn 22.17 20.13 19.68 19.37 19.19 23.25 Notre Dame 14.37 13.79 13.66 13.57 13.52 39.99
Baylor 7.28 13.02 14.28 15.14 15.65 1.86 Ohio State 20.92 17.17 16.36 15.80 15.47 39.99
Boston College 9.44 8.66 8.49 8.37 8.30 6.51 Oklahoma 19.40 16.35 15.69 15.23 14.96 32.55
California 9.23 10.12 10.32 10.45 10.53 14.88 Oklahoma State 12.45 13.54 13.77 13.94 14.03 11.16
Cincinnati 13.46 14.80 15.10 15.30 15.42 0.93 Ole Miss 16.38 17.14 17.31 17.42 17.49 9.30
Clemson 18.61 18.24 18.16 18.10 18.07 26.04 Oregon 8.26 7.32 7.12 6.98 6.90 12.09
Colorado 9.28 9.64 9.72 9.77 9.80 10.23 Oregon State 6.81 6.71 6.69 6.67 6.66 2.79
Connecticut 7.91 8.80 8.99 9.12 9.20 0.00 Penn State 14.68 13.88 13.71 13.59 13.52 25.11
Duke 4.32 11.63 13.22 14.32 14.97 2.79 Pittsburgh 13.51 14.15 14.29 14.39 14.45 14.88
Florida 23.23 19.84 19.09 18.58 18.27 52.08 Purdue 15.00 14.52 14.41 14.34 14.30 0.00
Florida State 24.30 20.54 19.71 19.15 18.81 35.34 Rutgers 7.52 10.44 11.08 11.51 11.77 6.51
Georgia 24.87 20.85 19.96 19.36 18.99 39.99 South Carolina 14.17 16.28 16.75 17.07 17.26 17.67
Georgia Tech 21.17 19.82 19.52 19.32 19.20 7.44 South Florida 19.38 18.34 18.11 17.95 17.86 2.79
Illinois 9.38 12.42 13.09 13.54 13.81 13.02 Stanford 8.04 9.84 10.23 10.50 10.66 6.51
Indiana 8.79 12.86 13.75 14.36 14.72 0.00 Syracuse 9.01 9.88 10.07 10.20 10.28 0.00
Iowa 11.35 11.71 11.79 11.84 11.87 6.51 Tennessee 22.67 19.22 18.47 17.95 17.65 20.46
Iowa State 8.51 10.12 10.47 10.71 10.85 0.93 Texas 20.68 16.94 16.13 15.57 15.23 48.36
Kansas 9.59 11.61 12.06 12.36 12.54 0.93 Texas A&M 16.87 16.50 16.42 16.37 16.33 9.30
Kansas State 14.41 12.91 12.58 12.36 12.22 1.86 Texas Tech 13.31 12.54 12.37 12.25 12.18 3.72
Kentucky 11.16 14.25 14.93 15.39 15.67 1.86 UCLA 17.82 17.34 17.24 17.16 17.12 27.90
Louisville 19.10 16.98 16.52 16.21 16.02 2.79 USC 21.82 18.78 18.11 17.66 17.38 53.01
LSU 21.03 18.63 18.10 17.74 17.52 45.57 Vanderbilt 8.23 13.86 15.09 15.93 16.44 0.00
Maryland 14.21 14.38 14.42 14.44 14.46 9.30 Virginia 15.91 15.40 15.29 15.21 15.17 7.44
Miami 21.49 18.12 17.37 16.86 16.55 33.48 Virginia Tech 21.76 17.98 17.15 16.59 16.25 11.16
Michigan 17.90 14.92 14.28 13.84 13.57 38.13 Wake Forest 13.22 15.25 15.69 16.00 16.18 0.00
Michigan State 11.67 12.30 12.44 12.54 12.59 6.51 Washington 5.47 5.89 5.99 6.05 6.09 6.51
Minnesota 8.30 8.75 8.85 8.92 8.96 3.72 Washington State 5.76 6.05 6.11 6.15 6.18 0.00
Mississippi State 13.69 16.49 17.10 17.52 17.77 10.23 West Virginia 16.80 15.55 15.28 15.09 14.98 4.65
Missouri 12.37 13.25 13.44 13.57 13.65 2.79 Wisconsin 14.26 12.42 12.02 11.74 11.58 6.51
Total Deviation from Actual 627.32 686.63 701.02 711.70 718.09

Table III - Recruiting Ranking, Actual vs. Modeled, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 0 1 2 4 8 Actual College 0 1 2 4 8 Actual
Alabama 17 9 6 6 5 8 NC State 25 24 24 24 25 46
Arizona 54 54 54 54 54 29 Nebraska 33 48 52 53 53 35
Arizona State 42 47 48 49 49 26 North Carolina 40 30 30 25 24 19
Arkansas 24 25 25 27 28 30 Northwestern 46 49 47 44 44 62
Auburn 5 3 3 1 2 16 Notre Dame 29 37 40 41 42 6
Baylor 62 40 35 31 23 53 Ohio State 11 15 20 22 26 7
Boston College 48 62 62 62 62 37 Oklahoma 13 21 23 29 33 12
California 51 55 56 57 57 20 Oklahoma State 39 38 37 38 38 24
Cincinnati 36 29 28 28 27 58 Ole Miss 22 16 13 13 12 32
Clemson 16 11 8 7 7 14 Oregon 57 63 63 63 63 23
Colorado 50 59 59 59 59 27 Oregon State 63 64 64 64 64 51
Connecticut 60 60 60 60 60 68 Penn State 27 35 39 40 43 15
Duke 66 51 42 37 32 48 Pittsburgh 35 34 34 34 36 21
Florida 3 4 5 5 6 2 Purdue 26 31 33 36 37 68
Florida State 2 2 2 4 4 10 Rutgers 61 53 53 52 51 40
Georgia 1 1 1 2 3 5 South Carolina 32 22 17 15 14 18
Georgia Tech 9 5 4 3 1 34 South Florida 14 10 10 9 8 52
Illinois 49 44 43 43 39 22 Stanford 59 58 57 56 56 41
Indiana 53 42 38 35 34 68 Syracuse 52 57 58 58 58 68
Iowa 44 50 51 50 50 38 Tennessee 4 6 7 8 10 17
Iowa State 55 56 55 55 55 60 Texas 12 18 21 23 29 3
Kansas 47 52 49 46 46 61 Texas A&M 20 19 19 18 18 33
Kansas State 28 41 44 47 47 54 Texas Tech 37 43 46 48 48 47
Kentucky 45 33 31 26 22 55 UCLA 19 14 14 14 15 13
Louisville 15 17 18 19 21 49 USC 6 7 9 11 13 1
LSU 10 8 11 10 11 4 Vanderbilt 58 36 29 21 17 68
Maryland 31 32 32 33 35 31 Virginia 23 26 26 30 30 36
Miami 8 12 12 16 16 11 Virginia Tech 7 13 15 17 19 25
Michigan 18 28 36 39 41 9 Wake Forest 38 27 22 20 20 68
Michigan State 43 46 45 45 45 39 Washington 65 66 66 66 66 42
Minnesota 56 61 61 61 61 45 Washington State 64 65 65 65 65 68
Mississippi State 34 20 16 12 9 28 West Virginia 21 23 27 32 31 44
Missouri 41 39 41 42 40 50 Wisconsin 30 45 50 51 52 43

Table IV - Rankings for Each Scale Factor

Dilution Factor = 0.0 Dilution Factor = 1.0 Dilution Factor = 2.0 Dilution Factor = 4.0 Dilution Factor = 8.0
Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits
1 Georgia 24.87 1 Georgia 20.85 1 Georgia 19.96 1 Auburn 19.37 1 Georgia Tech 19.20
2 Florida State 24.30 2 Florida State 20.54 2 Florida State 19.71 2 Georgia 19.36 2 Auburn 19.19
3 Florida 23.23 3 Auburn 20.13 3 Auburn 19.68 3 Georgia Tech 19.32 3 Georgia 18.99
4 Tennessee 22.67 4 Florida 19.84 4 Georgia Tech 19.52 4 Florida State 19.15 4 Florida State 18.81
5 Auburn 22.17 5 Georgia Tech 19.82 5 Florida 19.09 5 Florida 18.58 5 Alabama 18.51
6 USC 21.82 6 Tennessee 19.22 6 Alabama 18.50 6 Alabama 18.51 6 Florida 18.27
7 Virginia Tech 21.76 7 USC 18.78 7 Tennessee 18.47 7 Clemson 18.10 7 Clemson 18.07
8 Miami 21.49 8 LSU 18.63 8 Clemson 18.16 8 Tennessee 17.95 8 South Florida 17.86
9 Georgia Tech 21.17 9 Alabama 18.50 9 USC 18.11 9 South Florida 17.95 9 Mississippi State 17.77
10 LSU 21.03 10 South Florida 18.34 10 South Florida 18.11 10 LSU 17.74 10 Tennessee 17.65
11 Ohio State 20.92 11 Clemson 18.24 11 LSU 18.10 11 USC 17.66 11 LSU 17.52
12 Texas 20.68 12 Miami 18.12 12 Miami 17.37 12 Mississippi State 17.52 12 Ole Miss 17.49
13 Oklahoma 19.40 13 Virginia Tech 17.98 13 Ole Miss 17.31 13 Ole Miss 17.42 13 USC 17.38
14 South Florida 19.38 14 UCLA 17.34 14 UCLA 17.24 14 UCLA 17.16 14 South Carolina 17.26
15 Louisville 19.10 15 Ohio State 17.17 15 Virginia Tech 17.15 15 South Carolina 17.07 15 UCLA 17.12
16 Clemson 18.61 16 Ole Miss 17.14 16 Mississippi State 17.10 16 Miami 16.86 16 Miami 16.55
17 Alabama 18.47 17 Louisville 16.98 17 South Carolina 16.75 17 Virginia Tech 16.59 17 Vanderbilt 16.44
18 Michigan 17.90 18 Texas 16.94 18 Louisville 16.52 18 Texas A&M 16.37 18 Texas A&M 16.33
19 UCLA 17.82 19 Texas A&M 16.50 19 Texas A&M 16.42 19 Louisville 16.21 19 Virginia Tech 16.25
20 Texas A&M 16.87 20 Mississippi State 16.49 20 Ohio State 16.36 20 Wake Forest 16.00 20 Wake Forest 16.18
21 West Virginia 16.80 21 Oklahoma 16.35 21 Texas 16.13 21 Vanderbilt 15.93 21 Louisville 16.02
22 Ole Miss 16.38 22 South Carolina 16.28 22 Wake Forest 15.69 22 Ohio State 15.80 22 Kentucky 15.67
23 Virginia 15.91 23 West Virginia 15.55 23 Oklahoma 15.69 23 Texas 15.57 23 Baylor 15.65
24 Arkansas 15.70 24 NC State 15.45 24 NC State 15.49 24 NC State 15.52 24 North Carolina 15.59
25 NC State 15.29 25 Arkansas 15.43 25 Arkansas 15.37 25 North Carolina 15.39 25 NC State 15.53
26 Purdue 15.00 26 Virginia 15.40 26 Virginia 15.29 26 Kentucky 15.39 26 Ohio State 15.47
27 Penn State 14.68 27 Wake Forest 15.25 27 West Virginia 15.28 27 Arkansas 15.33 27 Cincinnati 15.42
28 Kansas State 14.41 28 Michigan 14.92 28 Cincinnati 15.10 28 Cincinnati 15.30 28 Arkansas 15.31
29 Notre Dame 14.37 29 Cincinnati 14.80 29 Vanderbilt 15.09 29 Oklahoma 15.23 29 Texas 15.23
30 Wisconsin 14.26 30 North Carolina 14.59 30 North Carolina 15.07 30 Virginia 15.21 30 Virginia 15.17
31 Maryland 14.21 31 Purdue 14.52 31 Kentucky 14.93 31 Baylor 15.14 31 West Virginia 14.98
32 South Carolina 14.17 32 Maryland 14.38 32 Maryland 14.42 32 West Virginia 15.09 32 Duke 14.97
33 Nebraska 13.89 33 Kentucky 14.25 33 Purdue 14.41 33 Maryland 14.44 33 Oklahoma 14.96
34 Mississippi State 13.69 34 Pittsburgh 14.15 34 Pittsburgh 14.29 34 Pittsburgh 14.39 34 Indiana 14.72
35 Pittsburgh 13.51 35 Penn State 13.88 35 Baylor 14.28 35 Indiana 14.36 35 Maryland 14.46
36 Cincinnati 13.46 36 Vanderbilt 13.86 36 Michigan 14.28 36 Purdue 14.34 36 Pittsburgh 14.45
37 Texas Tech 13.31 37 Notre Dame 13.79 37 Oklahoma State 13.77 37 Duke 14.32 37 Purdue 14.30
38 Wake Forest 13.22 38 Oklahoma State 13.54 38 Indiana 13.75 38 Oklahoma State 13.94 38 Oklahoma State 14.03
39 Oklahoma State 12.45 39 Missouri 13.25 39 Penn State 13.71 39 Michigan 13.84 39 Illinois 13.81
40 North Carolina 12.43 40 Baylor 13.02 40 Notre Dame 13.66 40 Penn State 13.59 40 Missouri 13.65
41 Missouri 12.37 41 Kansas State 12.91 41 Missouri 13.44 41 Notre Dame 13.57 41 Michigan 13.57
42 Arizona State 11.95 42 Indiana 12.86 42 Duke 13.22 42 Missouri 13.57 42 Notre Dame 13.52
43 Michigan State 11.67 43 Texas Tech 12.54 43 Illinois 13.09 43 Illinois 13.54 43 Penn State 13.52
44 Iowa 11.35 44 Illinois 12.42 44 Kansas State 12.58 44 Northwestern 12.55 44 Northwestern 12.72
45 Kentucky 11.16 45 Wisconsin 12.42 45 Michigan State 12.44 45 Michigan State 12.54 45 Michigan State 12.59
46 Northwestern 9.88 46 Michigan State 12.30 46 Texas Tech 12.37 46 Kansas 12.36 46 Kansas 12.54
47 Kansas 9.59 47 Arizona State 12.06 47 Northwestern 12.26 47 Kansas State 12.36 47 Kansas State 12.22
48 Boston College 9.44 48 Nebraska 12.01 48 Arizona State 12.09 48 Texas Tech 12.25 48 Texas Tech 12.18
49 Illinois 9.38 49 Northwestern 11.83 49 Kansas 12.06 49 Arizona State 12.11 49 Arizona State 12.12
50 Colorado 9.28 50 Iowa 11.71 50 Wisconsin 12.02 50 Iowa 11.84 50 Iowa 11.87
51 California 9.23 51 Duke 11.63 51 Iowa 11.79 51 Wisconsin 11.74 51 Rutgers 11.77
52 Syracuse 9.01 52 Kansas 11.61 52 Nebraska 11.60 52 Rutgers 11.51 52 Wisconsin 11.58
53 Indiana 8.79 53 Rutgers 10.44 53 Rutgers 11.08 53 Nebraska 11.32 53 Nebraska 11.16
54 Arizona 8.67 54 Arizona 10.27 54 Arizona 10.62 54 Arizona 10.86 54 Arizona 11.00
55 Iowa State 8.51 55 California 10.12 55 Iowa State 10.47 55 Iowa State 10.71 55 Iowa State 10.85
56 Minnesota 8.30 56 Iowa State 10.12 56 California 10.32 56 Stanford 10.50 56 Stanford 10.66
57 Oregon 8.26 57 Syracuse 9.88 57 Stanford 10.23 57 California 10.45 57 California 10.53
58 Vanderbilt 8.23 58 Stanford 9.84 58 Syracuse 10.07 58 Syracuse 10.20 58 Syracuse 10.28
59 Stanford 8.04 59 Colorado 9.64 59 Colorado 9.72 59 Colorado 9.77 59 Colorado 9.80
60 Connecticut 7.91 60 Connecticut 8.80 60 Connecticut 8.99 60 Connecticut 9.12 60 Connecticut 9.20
61 Rutgers 7.52 61 Minnesota 8.75 61 Minnesota 8.85 61 Minnesota 8.92 61 Minnesota 8.96
62 Baylor 7.28 62 Boston College 8.66 62 Boston College 8.49 62 Boston College 8.37 62 Boston College 8.30
63 Oregon State 6.81 63 Oregon 7.32 63 Oregon 7.12 63 Oregon 6.98 63 Oregon 6.90
64 Washington State 5.76 64 Oregon State 6.71 64 Oregon State 6.69 64 Oregon State 6.67 64 Oregon State 6.66
65 Washington 5.47 65 Washington State 6.05 65 Washington State 6.11 65 Washington State 6.15 65 Washington State 6.18
66 Duke 4.32 66 Washington 5.89 66 Washington 5.99 66 Washington 6.05 66 Washington 6.09
67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00
68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00
69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00
70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00
71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00
72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00
73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00
74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00
75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00
76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00
77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00
78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00
79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00
80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00
81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00
82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00
83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00
84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00
85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00
86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00
87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00
88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00
89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00
90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00
91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00
92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00
93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00
94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00
95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00
96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00
97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00
98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00
99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00
100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00
101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00
102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00
103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00
104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00
105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00
106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00
107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00
108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00
109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00
110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00
111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00
112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00
113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00
114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00
115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00
116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00
117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00
118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00
119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00
120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00

Figure 1 - Dilution factor = 0.0.

Figure 2 - Dilution factor = 1.0.

Figure 3 - Dilution factor = 2.0.

Figure 4 - Dilution factor = 4.0.

Figure 5 - Dilution factor = 8.0.

Figure 9 - Composite of, from left to right, Dilution Factor = 8.0, Dilution factor = 4.0 (top row); Dilution factor = 1.0, Dilution factor = 0.0 (bottom row).

Added 12/21/2009  

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Tom Brennan, © 2009