Normalized Probabilities Case 3, Sub-analysis 4: 2006 - 2009 Rivals 250 Lists as Population Source, Scaling Competition by Winning Percentage (Past 10 and Past 3 Years) & Conference Scale Factor = 0

As seen in Case 3.3.2, scaling by winning percentage more closely matches real-life recruiting results, and the effect is closer to reality when the winning percentage is scaled by raising it to the fourth power. One would also imagine that the ten year time period is somewhat arbitrary and that the effect would be different depending how far back in time you go--a recruit might remember a team's performance more generally over a decade-long period but would probably be paying more attention to recent history, e.g. since the recruit has been in high school/the past few years.

With this is mind, I've added a separate variable for winning percentage over the past three years. As a starting point I kept the 10-year exponent to 4 which yielded better results than when I reset this to 1 and hence am only presenting these results below. Incidentally, you will notice that this step in fact does not reduce the error--it increases a very small amount from 505 to 508 (note: if I add up the sum of squared errors as opposed to the absolute value of the errors the spread is not much larger).

The lowest error is obtained when the 3-year winning percentage is kept to the power of one (with the 10-year winning percentage kept to the fourth power). As a result, the tables do not look much different than in Case 3.3.2. Notre Dame and Alabama again are in the "overperformer"' category. Seeing some of the teams on this overperformer list requires me to again warn that this is merely recruiting overperforming which is also often indicative (see Notre Dame, Illinois) that somehow manage to recruit well despite consistent mediocrity on the field.

In Table II it is interesting to compare Auburn and Alabama as the 3-year exponent is increased. Essentially what Alabama would get under such a model goes to almost zero while Auburn's skyrockets to well over 40. This shows the volatility of three year spans--over ten seasons most teams will end up towards their historic baseline winning percentage, but three year stretches can be particularly outstanding (Auburn) or poor (Alabama, pre-Saban).

Table II also makes clear that I have no cap on how many recruits a team can end up: Ohio State, Texas, and USC end up in the triple figures (exceeding NCAA scholarship limits). It is only these absurb numbers which make USC's actual recruiting hauls look normal.

What to do about teams like Notre Dame and Alabama? Stay tuned for the next case which accounts for these schools tradional powerhouse status--and in turn brings teams like Virginia Tech and Louisville back to earth. Finally, why include this variable if it does not appear to reduce the error? I have a hunch it'll come in handy as a couple more variables are added. Furthermore, it makes intuitive sense as a recruiting consideration without over-specifying the system.

A note about the tables. I only included teams in the Big 6 conferences (plus Notre Dame) as all the other teams have expected recruit values of zero for any winning percentage scaling due to the AQ scaling being set to zero.

A note about the images. The circles indicate the number of recruits and location of the 120 schools. They're pretty straightforward except for when non-AQ schools are scaled to zero, then the images don't distinguish "good red" from "bad red". Keeping in mind that the top schools are all in the southeast should help you make sense of it, however.

Table I - Under and Overperformers (Exponent = 1)

Overperformers Underperformers About As Expected
Rank College Expected Actual Difference Rank College Expected Actual Difference College Expected Actual Difference
1 Notre Dame 11.39 39.99 28.60 1 Virginia Tech 47.26 11.16 -36.10 Michigan 33.55 38.13 4.58
2 Alabama 11.69 39.06 27.37 2 Louisville 28.03 2.79 -25.24 Ole Miss 5.19 9.30 4.11
3 North Carolina 2.62 16.74 14.12 3 Wisconsin 23.51 6.51 -17.00 Duke 0.01 2.79 2.78
4 UCLA 13.96 27.90 13.94 4 West Virginia 21.61 4.65 -16.96 Arizona State 7.87 10.23 2.36
5 South Carolina 4.55 17.67 13.12 5 Tennessee 35.08 20.46 -14.62 Michigan State 4.46 6.51 2.05
6 Illinois 0.95 13.02 12.07 6 South Florida 15.76 2.79 -12.97 Baylor 0.24 1.86 1.62
7 Clemson 14.09 26.04 11.95 7 Nebraska 18.59 7.44 -11.15 Maryland 7.94 9.30 1.36
8 LSU 34.00 45.57 11.57 8 Kansas State 12.98 1.86 -11.12 Oregon 11.25 12.09 0.84
9 Penn State 13.80 25.11 11.31 9 Georgia Tech 18.40 7.44 -10.96 Minnesota 3.44 3.72 0.28
10 Florida 41.03 52.08 11.05 10 Purdue 10.40 0.00 -10.40 Kentucky 1.76 1.86 0.10
11 California 4.78 14.88 10.10 11 Ohio State 49.94 39.99 -9.95 Iowa 6.48 6.51 0.03
12 Pittsburgh 6.03 14.88 8.85 12 Georgia 49.76 39.99 -9.77 Vanderbilt 0.37 0.00 -0.37
13 Mississippi State 2.00 10.23 8.23 13 Texas Tech 13.11 3.72 -9.39 Arkansas 9.97 9.30 -0.67
14 Arizona 1.57 9.30 7.73 14 Auburn 30.15 23.25 -6.90 Indiana 0.74 0.00 -0.74
15 USC 46.03 53.01 6.98 15 Oklahoma 38.10 32.55 -5.55 Iowa State 1.80 0.93 -0.87
16 Oklahoma State 4.65 11.16 6.51 16 Boston College 11.74 6.51 -5.23 Northwestern 2.36 0.93 -1.43
17 Colorado 3.95 10.23 6.28 Texas A&M 10.77 9.30 -1.47
18 Washington 1.28 6.51 5.23 Kansas 2.67 0.93 -1.74
19 Stanford 1.31 6.51 5.20 Syracuse 1.96 0.00 -1.96
20 Rutgers 1.45 6.51 5.06 Miami 35.58 33.48 -2.10
Oregon State 5.23 2.79 -2.44
Washington State 2.51 0.00 -2.51
Connecticut 2.79 0.00 -2.79
Florida State 38.42 35.34 -3.08
NC State 7.10 3.72 -3.38
Missouri 6.18 2.79 -3.39
Texas 51.82 48.36 -3.46
Virginia 11.50 7.44 -4.06
Cincinnati 5.21 0.93 -4.28
Wake Forest 4.28 0.00 -4.28

Table II - Actual vs. Modeled Number of Recruits, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1 2 4 8 Actual College 1 2 4 8 Actual
Alabama 12.35 10.42 6.80 2.36 39.14 NC State 6.96 4.62 1.98 0.38 3.73
Arizona 1.46 0.73 0.18 0.01 9.32 Nebraska 18.78 15.93 10.46 3.65 7.46
Arizona State 7.77 6.60 4.28 1.43 10.25 North Carolina 2.63 1.41 0.38 0.02 16.78
Arkansas 9.53 7.29 3.92 0.93 9.32 Northwestern 2.57 1.79 0.80 0.13 0.93
Auburn 30.97 34.96 41.20 47.69 23.30 Notre Dame 11.11 9.60 6.64 2.71 40.08
Baylor 0.25 0.12 0.03 0.00 1.86 Ohio State 49.08 58.25 75.25 102.09 40.08
Boston College 12.07 12.95 13.61 12.10 6.52 Oklahoma 40.12 43.77 47.59 45.57 32.62
California 4.88 4.65 3.80 2.00 14.91 Oklahoma State 4.85 3.49 1.66 0.32 11.18
Cincinnati 5.92 4.75 2.93 1.11 0.93 Ole Miss 5.30 2.82 0.85 0.09 9.32
Clemson 14.76 13.47 10.31 4.90 26.10 Oregon 10.90 10.08 7.75 3.65 12.12
Colorado 3.84 2.49 0.99 0.14 10.25 Oregon State 5.12 4.36 2.87 1.02 2.80
Connecticut 2.84 2.17 1.21 0.37 0.00 Penn State 13.94 13.63 12.57 9.81 25.16
Duke 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.80 Pittsburgh 6.50 4.76 2.43 0.58 14.91
Florida 41.88 44.97 48.31 47.18 52.19 Purdue 9.95 7.80 4.39 1.13 0.00
Florida State 38.16 34.69 27.16 15.13 35.42 Rutgers 1.52 1.42 1.16 0.65 6.52
Georgia 50.04 55.24 61.75 62.43 40.08 South Carolina 5.03 4.01 2.34 0.65 17.71
Georgia Tech 18.14 15.22 9.82 3.29 7.46 South Florida 15.84 13.15 8.57 3.24 2.80
Illinois 1.00 0.46 0.10 0.01 13.05 Stanford 1.32 0.63 0.14 0.01 6.52
Indiana 0.72 0.41 0.13 0.01 0.00 Syracuse 1.89 0.86 0.18 0.01 0.00
Iowa 6.92 6.05 4.52 2.55 6.52 Tennessee 33.16 30.23 23.08 11.00 20.50
Iowa State 1.78 1.10 0.39 0.05 0.93 Texas 52.84 64.34 86.95 127.51 48.46
Kansas 2.87 2.49 1.80 0.87 0.93 Texas A&M 10.15 7.73 4.15 1.01 9.32
Kansas State 12.56 8.58 3.68 0.56 1.86 Texas Tech 13.62 13.07 10.94 6.11 3.73
Kentucky 1.74 1.11 0.47 0.09 1.86 UCLA 13.10 10.84 6.64 1.94 27.96
Louisville 27.51 30.10 33.61 36.32 2.80 USC 47.15 57.69 77.66 110.19 53.12
LSU 35.23 41.66 53.23 70.05 45.67 Vanderbilt 0.43 0.23 0.06 0.00 0.93
Maryland 8.41 6.54 3.63 0.92 9.32 Virginia 10.96 9.07 5.77 1.98 7.46
Miami 35.10 33.17 28.90 21.95 33.55 Virginia Tech 46.95 52.52 60.16 63.53 11.18
Michigan 31.79 32.10 29.94 21.02 38.21 Wake Forest 4.67 3.84 2.50 0.98 0.00
Michigan State 4.57 2.97 1.17 0.16 6.52 Washington 1.18 0.45 0.06 0.00 6.52
Minnesota 3.53 2.58 1.45 0.52 3.73 Washington State 2.43 1.63 0.68 0.10 0.00
Mississippi State 1.90 0.86 0.18 0.01 10.25 West Virginia 21.60 25.44 32.51 43.80 4.66
Missouri 6.28 5.68 4.37 2.31 2.80 Wisconsin 22.56 24.94 27.95 28.67 6.52
Total Deviation from Actual 508.31 542.91 661.94 877.41

Table III - Recruiting Ranking, Actual vs. Modeled, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1 2 4 8 Actual College 1 2 4 8 Actual
Alabama 25 25 25 27 8 NC State 35 40 43 46 46
Arizona 59 59 59 57 29 Nebraska 17 17 20 21 35
Arizona State 34 33 32 32 26 North Carolina 51 54 56 56 19
Arkansas 32 32 34 38 30 Northwestern 52 51 52 51 62
Auburn 13 9 9 7 16 Notre Dame 27 27 26 25 6
Baylor 65 65 65 65 53 Ohio State 3 2 3 3 6
Boston College 26 23 17 16 37 Oklahoma 7 7 8 9 12
California 43 39 35 29 20 Oklahoma State 44 44 45 48 24
Cincinnati 39 38 38 34 58 Ole Miss 40 46 51 53 32
Clemson 20 20 21 20 14 Oregon 29 26 24 22 23
Colorado 47 48 50 50 27 Oregon State 41 41 39 35 51
Connecticut 50 50 47 47 68 Penn State 21 19 18 18 15
Duke 66 66 66 66 48 Pittsburgh 37 37 41 43 21
Florida 6 6 7 8 2 Purdue 31 30 30 33 68
Florida State 8 10 15 15 10 Rutgers 58 53 49 41 40
Georgia 2 4 4 6 5 South Carolina 42 42 42 42 18
Georgia Tech 18 18 22 23 34 South Florida 19 21 23 24 52
Illinois 62 61 62 62 22 Stanford 60 60 60 61 41
Indiana 63 63 61 58 68 Syracuse 55 58 58 60 68
Iowa 36 35 29 26 38 Tennessee 11 13 16 17 17
Iowa State 56 56 55 55 60 Texas 1 1 1 1 3
Kansas 49 49 44 40 61 Texas A&M 30 31 33 36 33
Kansas State 24 29 36 44 54 Texas Tech 22 22 19 19 47
Kentucky 57 55 54 54 55 UCLA 23 24 27 31 13
Louisville 14 14 10 11 49 USC 4 3 2 2 1
LSU 9 8 6 4 4 Vanderbilt 64 64 63 63 68
Maryland 33 34 37 39 31 Virginia 28 28 28 30 36
Miami 10 11 13 13 11 Virginia Tech 5 5 5 5 25
Michigan 12 12 12 14 9 Wake Forest 45 43 40 37 68
Michigan State 46 45 48 49 39 Washington 61 62 64 64 42
Minnesota 48 47 46 45 45 Washington State 53 52 53 52 68
Mississippi State 54 57 57 59 28 West Virginia 16 15 11 10 44
Missouri 38 36 31 28 50 Wisconsin 15 16 14 12 43

Table IV - Rankings for Each Scale Factor

Exponent = 1.0 Exponent = 2.0 Exponent = 4.0 Exponent = 8.0
Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits
1 Texas 52.84 1 Texas 64.34 1 Texas 86.95 1 Texas 127.51
2 Georgia 50.04 2 Ohio State 58.25 2 USC 77.66 2 USC 110.19
3 Ohio State 49.08 3 USC 57.69 3 Ohio State 75.25 3 Ohio State 102.09
4 USC 47.15 4 Georgia 55.24 4 Georgia 61.75 4 LSU 70.05
5 Virginia Tech 46.95 5 Virginia Tech 52.52 5 Virginia Tech 60.16 5 Virginia Tech 63.53
6 Florida 41.88 6 Florida 44.97 6 LSU 53.23 6 Georgia 62.43
7 Oklahoma 40.12 7 Oklahoma 43.77 7 Florida 48.31 7 Auburn 47.69
8 Florida State 38.16 8 LSU 41.66 8 Oklahoma 47.59 8 Florida 47.18
9 LSU 35.23 9 Auburn 34.96 9 Auburn 41.20 9 Oklahoma 45.57
10 Miami 35.10 10 Florida State 34.69 10 Louisville 33.61 10 West Virginia 43.80
11 Tennessee 33.16 11 Miami 33.17 11 West Virginia 32.51 11 Louisville 36.32
12 Michigan 31.79 12 Michigan 32.10 12 Michigan 29.94 12 Wisconsin 28.67
13 Auburn 30.97 13 Tennessee 30.23 13 Miami 28.90 13 Miami 21.95
14 Louisville 27.51 14 Louisville 30.10 14 Wisconsin 27.95 14 Michigan 21.02
15 Wisconsin 22.56 15 West Virginia 25.44 15 Florida State 27.16 15 Florida State 15.13
16 West Virginia 21.60 16 Wisconsin 24.94 16 Tennessee 23.08 16 Boston College 12.10
17 Nebraska 18.78 17 Nebraska 15.93 17 Boston College 13.61 17 Tennessee 11.00
18 Georgia Tech 18.14 18 Georgia Tech 15.22 18 Penn State 12.57 18 Penn State 9.81
19 South Florida 15.84 19 Penn State 13.63 19 Texas Tech 10.94 19 Texas Tech 6.11
20 Clemson 14.76 20 Clemson 13.47 20 Nebraska 10.46 20 Clemson 4.90
21 Penn State 13.94 21 South Florida 13.15 21 Clemson 10.31 21 Nebraska 3.65
22 Texas Tech 13.62 22 Texas Tech 13.07 22 Georgia Tech 9.82 22 Oregon 3.65
23 UCLA 13.10 23 Boston College 12.95 23 South Florida 8.57 23 Georgia Tech 3.29
24 Kansas State 12.56 24 UCLA 10.84 24 Oregon 7.75 24 South Florida 3.24
25 Alabama 12.35 25 Alabama 10.42 25 Alabama 6.80 25 Notre Dame 2.71
26 Boston College 12.07 26 Oregon 10.08 26 Notre Dame 6.64 26 Iowa 2.55
27 Notre Dame 11.11 27 Notre Dame 9.60 27 UCLA 6.64 27 Alabama 2.36
28 Virginia 10.96 28 Virginia 9.07 28 Virginia 5.77 28 Missouri 2.31
29 Oregon 10.90 29 Kansas State 8.58 29 Iowa 4.52 29 California 2.00
30 Texas A&M 10.15 30 Purdue 7.80 30 Purdue 4.39 30 Virginia 1.98
31 Purdue 9.95 31 Texas A&M 7.73 31 Missouri 4.37 31 UCLA 1.94
32 Arkansas 9.53 32 Arkansas 7.29 32 Arizona State 4.28 32 Arizona State 1.43
33 Maryland 8.41 33 Arizona State 6.60 33 Texas A&M 4.15 33 Purdue 1.13
34 Arizona State 7.77 34 Maryland 6.54 34 Arkansas 3.92 34 Cincinnati 1.11
35 NC State 6.96 35 Iowa 6.05 35 California 3.80 35 Oregon State 1.02
36 Iowa 6.92 36 Missouri 5.68 36 Kansas State 3.68 36 Texas A&M 1.01
37 Pittsburgh 6.50 37 Pittsburgh 4.76 37 Maryland 3.63 37 Wake Forest 0.98
38 Missouri 6.28 38 Cincinnati 4.75 38 Cincinnati 2.93 38 Arkansas 0.93
39 Cincinnati 5.92 39 California 4.65 39 Oregon State 2.87 39 Maryland 0.92
40 Ole Miss 5.30 40 NC State 4.62 40 Wake Forest 2.50 40 Kansas 0.87
41 Oregon State 5.12 41 Oregon State 4.36 41 Pittsburgh 2.43 41 Rutgers 0.65
42 South Carolina 5.03 42 South Carolina 4.01 42 South Carolina 2.34 42 South Carolina 0.65
43 California 4.88 43 Wake Forest 3.84 43 NC State 1.98 43 Pittsburgh 0.58
44 Oklahoma State 4.85 44 Oklahoma State 3.49 44 Kansas 1.80 44 Kansas State 0.56
45 Wake Forest 4.67 45 Michigan State 2.97 45 Oklahoma State 1.66 45 Minnesota 0.52
46 Michigan State 4.57 46 Ole Miss 2.82 46 Minnesota 1.45 46 NC State 0.38
47 Colorado 3.84 47 Minnesota 2.58 47 Connecticut 1.21 47 Connecticut 0.37
48 Minnesota 3.53 48 Colorado 2.49 48 Michigan State 1.17 48 Oklahoma State 0.32
49 Kansas 2.87 49 Kansas 2.49 49 Rutgers 1.16 49 Michigan State 0.16
50 Connecticut 2.84 50 Connecticut 2.17 50 Colorado 0.99 50 Colorado 0.14
51 North Carolina 2.63 51 Northwestern 1.79 51 Ole Miss 0.85 51 Northwestern 0.13
52 Northwestern 2.57 52 Washington State 1.63 52 Northwestern 0.80 52 Washington State 0.10
53 Washington State 2.43 53 Rutgers 1.42 53 Washington State 0.68 53 Ole Miss 0.09
54 Mississippi State 1.90 54 North Carolina 1.41 54 Kentucky 0.47 54 Kentucky 0.09
55 Syracuse 1.89 55 Kentucky 1.11 55 Iowa State 0.39 55 Iowa State 0.05
56 Iowa State 1.78 56 Iowa State 1.10 56 North Carolina 0.38 56 North Carolina 0.02
57 Kentucky 1.74 57 Mississippi State 0.86 57 Mississippi State 0.18 57 Arizona 0.01
58 Rutgers 1.52 58 Syracuse 0.86 58 Syracuse 0.18 58 Indiana 0.01
59 Arizona 1.46 59 Arizona 0.73 59 Arizona 0.18 59 Mississippi State 0.01
60 Stanford 1.32 60 Stanford 0.63 60 Stanford 0.14 60 Syracuse 0.01
61 Washington 1.18 61 Illinois 0.46 61 Indiana 0.13 61 Stanford 0.01
62 Illinois 1.00 62 Washington 0.45 62 Illinois 0.10 62 Illinois 0.01
63 Indiana 0.72 63 Indiana 0.41 63 Vanderbilt 0.06 63 Vanderbilt 0.00
64 Vanderbilt 0.43 64 Vanderbilt 0.23 64 Washington 0.06 64 Washington 0.00
65 Baylor 0.25 65 Baylor 0.12 65 Baylor 0.03 65 Baylor 0.00
66 Duke 0.01 66 Duke 0.00 66 Duke 0.00 66 Duke 0.00
67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00
68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00
69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00
70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00
71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00
72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00
73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00
74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00
75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00
76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00
77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00
78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00
79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00
80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00
81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00
82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00
83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00
84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00
85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00
86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00
87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00
88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00
89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00
90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00
91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00
92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00
93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00
94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00
95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00
96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00
97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00
98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00
99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00
100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00
101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00
102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00
103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00
104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00
105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00
106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00
107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00
108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00
109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00
110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00
111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00
112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00
113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00
114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00
115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00
116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00
117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00
118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00
119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00
120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00

Figure 1 - Exponent = 1.0.

Figure 2 - Exponent = 2.0.

Figure 3 - Exponent = 4.0.

Figure 4 - Exponent = 8.0.

Figure 5 - Composite of, from left to right, Exponent = 1.0, Exponent = 2.0 (top row); Exponent = 4.0, Exponent = 8.0 (bottom row).

Added 03/23/2010  

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Tom Brennan, © 2009-2010