Normalized Probabilities Case 3, Sub-analysis 6: 2006 - 2009 Rivals 250 Lists as Population Source, Scaling Competition by Prestige, Winning Percentage (Past 10 and Past 3 Years) & Conference Scale Factor = 0, and Considering In-State and Private vs. Public

The last variable to add! Well, to be honest its actually two, but they are closely related. A look at college rosters indicates that teams tend to have a bit more luck recruiting within their own state for reasons explainable from both the team's position (closer ties with local high school coaches that play in the same leagues) and from the recruit's position (growing up in the shadow of the college program and often dreaming of getting a scholarship there). This case, therefore, tries to capture this phenomenon by multiplying the player's probability of going to schools in-state. I used 4 different scaling factors (multipliers, not exponents as with winning percentage) of 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00.

Similarly, private schools tend to have a bit larger national reputation and are often immune from inter-state rivalries that may dissuade some recruits from going to nearby colleges in neighboring states. Notre Dame and USC are perhaps the most obvious examples of this (not that USC needs any more advantages being located in SoCal) but other schools such as Duke, Stanford, BC, Northwestern, et cetera have a widely distributed alumni population and typically are also known for their academics lending them further prestige. In order to account for this I gave private schools a 1.05 times multiplier for all out-of-state recruits while maintaining the higher larger multiplier for in-state recruits.

In the end this private school multiplier didn't affect much but I think it's a good complement to the in-state scaling. The in-state scaling had a smaller impact than I expected, lowering the total error from 379.52 to 370.07 for a 1.50 in-state multiplier (actually a pretty significant multiplier when one thinks about it--50% more likely to go to a school if it is in-state). I'll highlight that 370.07 one more time because this will be my starting point for the subsequent optimization. Also note that I used the exponents of 1, 1, and 2 for the 10-year winning percentage, 3-year winning percentage, and the prestige factors.

Given the small drop in errors, theres really not much to say relative to the results in Case 3.5 except that you can see, for example how the Florida schools definitely benefit when the in-state factor is increased (while Georgia and the other SEC-territory states all lose out a bit). All in all, the results are pretty similar to before.

This Prestige variable is the final variable I plan to add associated with a winning tradition. I plan of course to optimize these exponents more rigorously (and automatically) in order to minimize the error in predicted versus actual outcomes. Stay tuned for the next case, however, as I have one extra variable (this one geographic) to add into the mix before I jump to that.

Table I, in comparison to the previous cases, offers a few items of interest. Alabama and Notre Dame, while still present are not far ahead of others in the recruiting overperformers lists. The two big Carolina schools show up near the top; both schools recruit well but neither can match the tradition or performance of their souther rivals. The Florida/Illinois couple makes me think I should perhaps add a "Ron Zook" variable. I'm sure those two fanbases could discuss at much length what it means to overrecruit and underperform.

The Underperformer list is an interesting mix. On the one hand there are teams like Nebraska (plenty of tradition, not enough local recruits) and Ohio State (lots of other state schools vying for their recruits) which have plenty of tradition and schools like West Virginia and Georgia Tech which have a strong history but not quite the "it-factor" of the more storied programs. I'm a bit surprised by Tennessee's spot on this list. Perhaps this underrecruiting led to the disocntent with Phil Fulmer among Vols fans (5 top 250 recruits a year just doesn't cut it some places).

Finally, I'm impressed I got both Texas and USC to within +/- 5 recruits.

A note about the tables. I only included teams in the Big 6 conferences (plus Notre Dame) as all the other teams have expected recruit values of zero for any winning percentage scaling due to the AQ scaling being set to zero.

A note about the images. The circles indicate the number of recruits and location of the 120 schools. They're pretty straightforward except for when non-AQ schools are scaled to zero, then the images don't distinguish "good red" from "bad red". Keeping in mind that the top schools are all in the southeast should help you make sense of it, however.

Table I - Under and Overperformers (In-State Scalefactor = 1.5)

Overperformers Underperformers About As Expected
Rank College Expected Actual Difference Rank College Expected Actual Difference College Expected Actual Difference
1 South Carolina 0.87 17.71 16.84 1 Georgia Tech 27.25 7.46 -19.80 UCLA 23.30 27.96 4.66
2 Notre Dame 23.68 40.08 16.40 2 Nebraska 21.13 7.46 -13.67 Michigan 33.99 38.21 4.22
3 North Carolina 4.49 16.78 12.29 3 West Virginia 17.88 4.66 -13.22 Stanford 2.77 6.52 3.75
4 Florida 41.24 52.19 10.95 4 Virginia Tech 22.64 11.18 -11.46 Colorado 6.58 10.25 3.67
5 Illinois 2.61 13.05 10.44 5 Texas A&M 20.65 9.32 -11.33 Virginia 4.01 7.46 3.44
6 Alabama 29.06 39.14 10.09 6 Tennessee 29.75 20.50 -9.25 Washington 3.50 6.52 3.03
7 Mississippi State 0.44 10.25 9.81 7 Ohio State 48.65 40.08 -8.58 Pittsburgh 12.66 14.91 2.25
8 Oregon 3.25 12.12 8.86 8 Miami 41.56 33.55 -8.01 Penn State 22.95 25.16 2.22
9 LSU 36.89 45.67 8.77 9 Arkansas 17.19 9.32 -7.87 Duke 0.63 2.80 2.16
10 Oklahoma State 2.57 11.18 8.61 10 Purdue 7.71 0.00 -7.71 South Florida 1.31 2.80 1.48
11 California 6.66 14.91 8.25 11 Wisconsin 14.12 6.52 -7.60 Vanderbilt 0.08 0.93 0.85
12 Arizona 1.80 9.32 7.52 12 Florida State 42.69 35.42 -7.27 Iowa State 0.09 0.93 0.84
13 Rutgers 0.14 6.52 6.39 13 Missouri 9.86 2.80 -7.06 Baylor 1.18 1.86 0.68
14 Clemson 20.48 26.10 5.61 14 Louisville 9.48 2.80 -6.68 Oregon State 2.47 2.80 0.33
15 Auburn 29.40 23.30 -6.10 Kansas State 1.54 1.86 0.32
16 Oklahoma 38.21 32.62 -5.59 Cincinnati 0.84 0.93 0.09
17 Texas Tech 9.09 3.73 -5.37 Kentucky 1.93 1.86 -0.07
Indiana 0.09 0.00 -0.09
Wake Forest 0.21 0.00 -0.21
Ole Miss 9.55 9.32 -0.23
Northwestern 1.26 0.93 -0.32
Connecticut 0.46 0.00 -0.46
Washington State 0.63 0.00 -0.63
NC State 4.65 3.73 -0.92
Arizona State 11.29 10.25 -1.04
Kansas 2.30 0.93 -1.37
USC 54.58 53.12 -1.46
Maryland 10.87 9.32 -1.55
Minnesota 5.29 3.73 -1.56
Georgia 42.33 40.08 -2.25
Michigan State 9.22 6.52 -2.69
Texas 51.34 48.46 -2.88
Boston College 9.76 6.52 -3.24
Syracuse 4.42 0.00 -4.42
Iowa 11.46 6.52 -4.93

Table II - Actual vs. Modeled Number of Recruits, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Actual College 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Actual
Alabama 29.54 29.06 28.65 28.31 39.14 NC State 4.72 4.65 4.60 4.56 3.73
Arizona 1.86 1.80 1.76 1.73 9.32 Nebraska 21.82 21.13 20.52 19.98 7.46
Arizona State 11.61 11.29 11.07 10.91 10.25 North Carolina 4.55 4.49 4.44 4.40 16.78
Arkansas 17.71 17.19 16.75 16.36 9.32 Northwestern 1.27 1.26 1.25 1.24 0.93
Auburn 29.96 29.40 28.91 28.50 23.30 Notre Dame 24.35 23.68 23.07 22.53 40.08
Baylor 1.14 1.18 1.23 1.26 1.86 Ohio State 48.57 48.65 48.77 48.92 40.08
Boston College 10.05 9.76 9.50 9.26 6.52 Oklahoma 39.39 38.21 37.18 36.28 32.62
California 6.41 6.66 6.86 7.02 14.91 Oklahoma State 2.65 2.57 2.51 2.45 11.18
Cincinnati 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.93 Ole Miss 9.74 9.55 9.41 9.29 9.32
Clemson 20.79 20.48 20.24 20.05 26.10 Oregon 3.42 3.25 3.11 2.99 12.12
Colorado 6.71 6.58 6.50 6.44 10.25 Oregon State 2.59 2.47 2.36 2.27 2.80
Connecticut 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.00 Penn State 22.90 22.95 23.01 23.09 25.16
Duke 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 2.80 Pittsburgh 12.66 12.66 12.68 12.70 14.91
Florida 39.88 41.24 42.38 43.35 52.19 Purdue 7.93 7.71 7.51 7.33 0.00
Florida State 41.72 42.69 43.49 44.16 35.42 Rutgers 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 6.52
Georgia 42.52 42.33 42.20 42.11 40.08 South Carolina 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.86 17.71
Georgia Tech 27.33 27.25 27.22 27.20 7.46 South Florida 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.40 2.80
Illinois 2.65 2.61 2.57 2.54 13.05 Stanford 2.66 2.77 2.85 2.92 6.52
Indiana 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.00 Syracuse 4.52 4.42 4.34 4.26 0.00
Iowa 11.82 11.46 11.14 10.85 6.52 Tennessee 30.64 29.75 28.97 28.27 20.50
Iowa State 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.93 Texas 49.40 51.34 53.10 54.69 48.46
Kansas 2.38 2.30 2.23 2.17 0.93 Texas A&M 19.85 20.65 21.38 22.04 9.32
Kansas State 1.60 1.54 1.49 1.45 1.86 Texas Tech 8.92 9.09 9.26 9.42 3.73
Kentucky 1.99 1.93 1.87 1.82 1.86 UCLA 22.36 23.30 24.03 24.62 27.96
Louisville 9.78 9.48 9.21 8.96 2.80 USC 52.42 54.58 56.26 57.60 53.12
LSU 37.43 36.89 36.47 36.12 45.67 Vanderbilt 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.93
Maryland 10.90 10.87 10.87 10.89 9.32 Virginia 4.04 4.01 4.00 3.99 7.46
Miami 39.60 41.56 43.21 44.63 33.55 Virginia Tech 22.96 22.64 22.39 22.17 11.18
Michigan 34.36 33.99 33.66 33.37 38.21 Wake Forest 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.00
Michigan State 9.33 9.22 9.12 9.03 6.52 Washington 3.42 3.50 3.59 3.68 6.52
Minnesota 5.38 5.29 5.21 5.15 3.73 Washington State 0.64 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.00
Mississippi State 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.43 10.25 West Virginia 18.42 17.88 17.38 16.92 4.66
Missouri 10.12 9.86 9.62 9.42 2.80 Wisconsin 14.49 14.12 13.79 13.50 6.52
Total Deviation from Actual 370.98 370.07 370.47 370.92

Table III - Recruiting Ranking, Actual vs. Modeled, Teams Sorted Alphabetically

College 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Actual College 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Actual
Alabama 13 13 13 12 8 NC State 39 39 39 39 46
Arizona 51 51 51 51 29 Nebraska 19 19 20 21 35
Arizona State 27 27 27 26 26 North Carolina 40 40 40 40 19
Arkansas 23 23 23 23 30 Northwestern 53 54 54 55 62
Auburn 12 12 12 11 16 Notre Dame 15 15 16 17 6
Baylor 55 55 55 54 53 Ohio State 3 3 3 3 6
Boston College 30 30 30 32 37 Oklahoma 8 8 8 8 12
California 37 36 36 36 20 Oklahoma State 47 47 47 47 24
Cincinnati 57 57 57 57 58 Ole Miss 32 31 31 31 32
Clemson 20 21 21 20 14 Oregon 43 44 44 44 23
Colorado 36 37 37 37 27 Oregon State 48 48 48 48 51
Connecticut 60 60 60 60 68 Penn State 17 17 17 16 15
Duke 58 59 59 59 48 Pittsburgh 25 25 25 25 21
Florida 6 7 6 6 2 Purdue 35 35 35 35 68
Florida State 5 4 4 5 10 Rutgers 63 63 63 63 40
Georgia 4 5 7 7 5 South Carolina 56 56 56 56 18
Georgia Tech 14 14 14 14 34 South Florida 54 53 53 53 52
Illinois 46 46 46 46 22 Stanford 45 45 45 45 41
Indiana 65 65 65 65 68 Syracuse 41 41 41 41 68
Iowa 26 26 26 28 38 Tennessee 11 11 11 13 17
Iowa State 64 64 64 64 60 Texas 2 2 2 2 3
Kansas 49 49 49 49 61 Texas A&M 21 20 19 19 33
Kansas State 52 52 52 52 54 Texas Tech 34 34 32 30 47
Kentucky 50 50 50 50 55 UCLA 18 16 15 15 13
Louisville 31 32 33 34 49 USC 1 1 1 1 1
LSU 9 9 9 9 4 Vanderbilt 66 66 66 66 68
Maryland 28 28 28 27 31 Virginia 42 42 42 42 36
Miami 7 6 5 4 11 Virginia Tech 16 18 18 18 25
Michigan 10 10 10 10 9 Wake Forest 62 62 62 62 68
Michigan State 33 33 34 33 39 Washington 44 43 43 43 42
Minnesota 38 38 38 38 45 Washington State 59 58 58 58 68
Mississippi State 61 61 61 61 28 West Virginia 22 22 22 22 44
Missouri 29 29 29 29 50 Wisconsin 24 24 24 24 43

Table IV - Rankings for Each Scale Factor

Scale Factor = 1.25 Scale Factor = 1.50 Scale Factor = 1.75 Scale Factor = 2.00
Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits Rank College Recruits
1 USC 52.42 1 USC 54.58 1 USC 56.26 1 USC 57.60
2 Texas 49.40 2 Texas 51.34 2 Texas 53.10 2 Texas 54.69
3 Ohio State 48.57 3 Ohio State 48.65 3 Ohio State 48.77 3 Ohio State 48.92
4 Georgia 42.52 4 Florida State 42.69 4 Florida State 43.49 4 Miami 44.63
5 Florida State 41.72 5 Georgia 42.33 5 Miami 43.21 5 Florida State 44.16
6 Florida 39.88 6 Miami 41.56 6 Florida 42.38 6 Florida 43.35
7 Miami 39.60 7 Florida 41.24 7 Georgia 42.20 7 Georgia 42.11
8 Oklahoma 39.39 8 Oklahoma 38.21 8 Oklahoma 37.18 8 Oklahoma 36.28
9 LSU 37.43 9 LSU 36.89 9 LSU 36.47 9 LSU 36.12
10 Michigan 34.36 10 Michigan 33.99 10 Michigan 33.66 10 Michigan 33.37
11 Tennessee 30.64 11 Tennessee 29.75 11 Tennessee 28.97 11 Auburn 28.50
12 Auburn 29.96 12 Auburn 29.40 12 Auburn 28.91 12 Alabama 28.31
13 Alabama 29.54 13 Alabama 29.06 13 Alabama 28.65 13 Tennessee 28.27
14 Georgia Tech 27.33 14 Georgia Tech 27.25 14 Georgia Tech 27.22 14 Georgia Tech 27.20
15 Notre Dame 24.35 15 Notre Dame 23.68 15 UCLA 24.03 15 UCLA 24.62
16 Virginia Tech 22.96 16 UCLA 23.30 16 Notre Dame 23.07 16 Penn State 23.09
17 Penn State 22.90 17 Penn State 22.95 17 Penn State 23.01 17 Notre Dame 22.53
18 UCLA 22.36 18 Virginia Tech 22.64 18 Virginia Tech 22.39 18 Virginia Tech 22.17
19 Nebraska 21.82 19 Nebraska 21.13 19 Texas A&M 21.38 19 Texas A&M 22.04
20 Clemson 20.79 20 Texas A&M 20.65 20 Nebraska 20.52 20 Clemson 20.05
21 Texas A&M 19.85 21 Clemson 20.48 21 Clemson 20.24 21 Nebraska 19.98
22 West Virginia 18.42 22 West Virginia 17.88 22 West Virginia 17.38 22 West Virginia 16.92
23 Arkansas 17.71 23 Arkansas 17.19 23 Arkansas 16.75 23 Arkansas 16.36
24 Wisconsin 14.49 24 Wisconsin 14.12 24 Wisconsin 13.79 24 Wisconsin 13.50
25 Pittsburgh 12.66 25 Pittsburgh 12.66 25 Pittsburgh 12.68 25 Pittsburgh 12.70
26 Iowa 11.82 26 Iowa 11.46 26 Iowa 11.14 26 Arizona State 10.91
27 Arizona State 11.61 27 Arizona State 11.29 27 Arizona State 11.07 27 Maryland 10.89
28 Maryland 10.90 28 Maryland 10.87 28 Maryland 10.87 28 Iowa 10.85
29 Missouri 10.12 29 Missouri 9.86 29 Missouri 9.62 29 Missouri 9.42
30 Boston College 10.05 30 Boston College 9.76 30 Boston College 9.50 30 Texas Tech 9.42
31 Louisville 9.78 31 Ole Miss 9.55 31 Ole Miss 9.41 31 Ole Miss 9.29
32 Ole Miss 9.74 32 Louisville 9.48 32 Texas Tech 9.26 32 Boston College 9.26
33 Michigan State 9.33 33 Michigan State 9.22 33 Louisville 9.21 33 Michigan State 9.03
34 Texas Tech 8.92 34 Texas Tech 9.09 34 Michigan State 9.12 34 Louisville 8.96
35 Purdue 7.93 35 Purdue 7.71 35 Purdue 7.51 35 Purdue 7.33
36 Colorado 6.71 36 California 6.66 36 California 6.86 36 California 7.02
37 California 6.41 37 Colorado 6.58 37 Colorado 6.50 37 Colorado 6.44
38 Minnesota 5.38 38 Minnesota 5.29 38 Minnesota 5.21 38 Minnesota 5.15
39 NC State 4.72 39 NC State 4.65 39 NC State 4.60 39 NC State 4.56
40 North Carolina 4.55 40 North Carolina 4.49 40 North Carolina 4.44 40 North Carolina 4.40
41 Syracuse 4.52 41 Syracuse 4.42 41 Syracuse 4.34 41 Syracuse 4.26
42 Virginia 4.04 42 Virginia 4.01 42 Virginia 4.00 42 Virginia 3.99
43 Oregon 3.42 43 Washington 3.50 43 Washington 3.59 43 Washington 3.68
44 Washington 3.42 44 Oregon 3.25 44 Oregon 3.11 44 Oregon 2.99
45 Stanford 2.66 45 Stanford 2.77 45 Stanford 2.85 45 Stanford 2.92
46 Illinois 2.65 46 Illinois 2.61 46 Illinois 2.57 46 Illinois 2.54
47 Oklahoma State 2.65 47 Oklahoma State 2.57 47 Oklahoma State 2.51 47 Oklahoma State 2.45
48 Oregon State 2.59 48 Oregon State 2.47 48 Oregon State 2.36 48 Oregon State 2.27
49 Kansas 2.38 49 Kansas 2.30 49 Kansas 2.23 49 Kansas 2.17
50 Kentucky 1.99 50 Kentucky 1.93 50 Kentucky 1.87 50 Kentucky 1.82
51 Arizona 1.86 51 Arizona 1.80 51 Arizona 1.76 51 Arizona 1.73
52 Kansas State 1.60 52 Kansas State 1.54 52 Kansas State 1.49 52 Kansas State 1.45
53 Northwestern 1.27 53 South Florida 1.31 53 South Florida 1.36 53 South Florida 1.40
54 South Florida 1.26 54 Northwestern 1.26 54 Northwestern 1.25 54 Baylor 1.26
55 Baylor 1.14 55 Baylor 1.18 55 Baylor 1.23 55 Northwestern 1.24
56 South Carolina 0.88 56 South Carolina 0.87 56 South Carolina 0.87 56 South Carolina 0.86
57 Cincinnati 0.84 57 Cincinnati 0.84 57 Cincinnati 0.84 57 Cincinnati 0.84
58 Duke 0.64 58 Washington State 0.63 58 Washington State 0.63 58 Washington State 0.63
59 Washington State 0.64 59 Duke 0.63 59 Duke 0.62 59 Duke 0.62
60 Connecticut 0.47 60 Connecticut 0.46 60 Connecticut 0.45 60 Connecticut 0.44
61 Mississippi State 0.45 61 Mississippi State 0.44 61 Mississippi State 0.43 61 Mississippi State 0.43
62 Wake Forest 0.21 62 Wake Forest 0.21 62 Wake Forest 0.20 62 Wake Forest 0.20
63 Rutgers 0.14 63 Rutgers 0.14 63 Rutgers 0.14 63 Rutgers 0.14
64 Iowa State 0.10 64 Iowa State 0.09 64 Iowa State 0.09 64 Iowa State 0.09
65 Indiana 0.09 65 Indiana 0.09 65 Indiana 0.08 65 Indiana 0.08
66 Vanderbilt 0.08 66 Vanderbilt 0.08 66 Vanderbilt 0.08 66 Vanderbilt 0.08
67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00 67 Air Force 0.00
68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00 68 Akron 0.00
69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00 69 Arkansas State 0.00
70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00 70 Army 0.00
71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00 71 Ball State 0.00
72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00 72 Boise State 0.00
73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00 73 Bowling Green 0.00
74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00 74 Buffalo 0.00
75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00 75 BYU 0.00
76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00 76 Central Michigan 0.00
77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00 77 Colorado State 0.00
78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00 78 Eastern Michigan 0.00
79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00 79 ECU 0.00
80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00 80 FIU 0.00
81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00 81 Florida Atlantic 0.00
82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00 82 Fresno State 0.00
83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00 83 Hawaii 0.00
84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00 84 Houston 0.00
85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00 85 Idaho 0.00
86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00 86 Kent State 0.00
87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00 87 Louisiana Tech 0.00
88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00 88 Louisiana-Lafayette 0.00
89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00 89 Louisiana-Monroe 0.00
90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00 90 Marshall 0.00
91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00 91 Memphis 0.00
92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00 92 Miami (OH) 0.00
93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00 93 Middle Tennessee 0.00
94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00 94 Navy 0.00
95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00 95 Nevada 0.00
96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00 96 New Mexico 0.00
97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00 97 New Mexico State 0.00
98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00 98 North Texas 0.00
99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00 99 Northern Illinois 0.00
100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00 100 Ohio 0.00
101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00 101 Rice 0.00
102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00 102 San Diego State 0.00
103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00 103 San Jose State 0.00
104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00 104 SMU 0.00
105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00 105 Southern Miss 0.00
106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00 106 TCU 0.00
107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00 107 Temple 0.00
108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00 108 Toledo 0.00
109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00 109 Troy 0.00
110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00 110 Tulane 0.00
111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00 111 Tulsa 0.00
112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00 112 UAB 0.00
113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00 113 UCF 0.00
114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00 114 UNLV 0.00
115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00 115 Utah 0.00
116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00 116 Utah State 0.00
117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00 117 UTEP 0.00
118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00 118 Western Kentucky 0.00
119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00 119 Western Michigan 0.00
120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00 120 Wyoming 0.00

Figure 1 - Scale Factor = 1.25.

Figure 2 - Scale Factor = 1.50.

Figure 3 - Scale Factor = 1.75.

Figure 4 - Scale Factor = 2.00.

Figure 5 - Composite of, from left to right, Scale Factor = 1.25, Scale Factor = 1.50 (top row); Scale Factor = 1.75, Scale Factor = 2.00 (bottom row).

Added 03/25/2010  

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Tom Brennan, © 2009-2010