Directory of Articles and Recruiting Modeling

Description of Models Developed and Index of Various Case Studies

Concise summary of the rationale for and data used in the models

Primary index for the all of the scenarios considered

Articles Posted Elsewhere on the Internet

"A Tech Effect? (Technical Recruiting Analysis Suggests Technical Schools Bad at Recruiting)" - Article incorporating my predictive recruiting model which suggests Georgia Tech, Texas Tech, and Virginia Tech underperform at recruiting.

"The Nerd's Guide to College Football Fandom (Or: Academic rankings are more interesting when football is half the grade)" - What universities best blend football and academic success.

"Rate Not, Lest Ye Be Rated (Can the BCS computers pick next week’s—or last week’s—winners?)" - A look at how accurately the six computers used for the BCS rankings predict future and past game outcomes.

UMass Football To The FBS, Part I: Can The Minutemen Compete?, Part 2: Can the Minutemen Recruit?, Part 3: Northeast Recruiting Potential Quantified - A three-part look at how my modeling projects UMass, which begins play in Division I-FBS in 2012, will fare in terms of competition and recruiting.

Tom Brennan, © 2009-2012; Contact: tbrennan "at"